Mothra Headcanon

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More specifically, Legendary Mothra, you are not a specific species of Titan in this. Bonus with scenarios.

Whenever Mothra realizes she's in love with you, she acts the same way she usually does. Maybe she'll be slightly kinder to you—just a little bit. She won't really show signs of being in love with you; maybe she'll allude to liking you or be slightly jealous if a female Titan flirts with you. The other thing she'll definitely do is start calling you by a nickname if you're fine with it, for example, Lamp. Finding a way to touch you and maybe riding on your back if you're comfortable with it. Nevertheless, confessions can go either way; she'll probably confess if she gathers enough courage, or if you confess whatever happens, she will be happy if you like her back.

Now, when you're dating Mothra, she will be affectionate towards you; expect some hugs, kisses, and cuddling when you get to that point in dating, of course. Most of that will be in private. She doesn't mind holding hands (or your equivalent of it) in public; maybe a kiss on the cheek for good luck if you're doing something like fighting a titan or some mission for the king. Depending on who's in charge, Mothra doesn't really care if you want to be in charge; if not, okay. She doesn't mind.

Now that changes if she's mad, and God forbid if she's angry. And let me tell you, when she's angry, not even Godzilla or Ghidorah can stand against her, and oh boy, is she scary. How does this happen? Well, maybe some Titan was cussing at her or you. Maybe they were really mean to you or her. Or they were being an ass towards either of you. Whatever the case may be, Mothra will put them in their place quickly. She can produce a scary amount of force with her mantis legs. Anyway she can, she'll smack them hard and, with a commanding voice, make them apologize.

Now when she's really mad, well, this is when she becomes scary. Now there are two things that can happen. Using her commanding voice or her scariness to make them apologize for whatever they said or did to you or her and make them back off. If they really deserve it, she'll beat them up. Heck, Mothra, we'll do this to Godzilla or Kong if they're asking for it. She might not be physically superior to whoever summoned her rage, but she's a smart moth, and she'll hit a few weak points, leaving them powerless. Then, after a few minutes, her rage subsides, and she acts as if nothing happened.

Wait, where are we? Yeah, you'll be protected if she's mad. Right, if you're fighting a Titan, expect Mothra to be accompanying you, and she'll keep it up unless you say otherwise. But you won't have a say in her if you're fighting a strong Titan like Ghidorah or someone like that; nope, she's helping whether you like it or not.

In terms of day-to-day life, expect to see Mothra at least once every few days if you're not fully dating yet. If you are fully dating and it's serious, you'll probably see her every day, especially when you two live together. Oh, that reminds me: when living together, expect to wake up with Mothra in your arms or legs, depending on what kind of Titan you are, with your wings (if you have any) wrapped around her lying on your chest. Yep, she loves to cuddle with you, especially when you're sleeping. She's a little touch-starved, so expect her to touch you in some way throughout the day. Whether she'll be riding on your back (if she can) or nuzzling your neck,

How she acts around you is her usual kind and gentle self. Oh, one thing to expect at some point is teasing. If you misspeak or if she does something to get you flustered, expect teasing; she'll stop if you ask her, but she might pick it up again later. She can also be playful towards you, such as by playing hide and seek or tag. She likes to have some fun, and she'll bring you some food from time to time, maybe for a date, to hang out, or to spend time with you.

Mothra will like the following: She'll like it if you call her by a nickname; a favorite of hers is Lamp. Another is cuddling, which I mentioned above; she just likes being held by her lover, listening to what she has to say and not downplaying it, and most importantly, loving her and treating her right. Just like that, you'll have a Titan wanting to be your mate. Hates/dislikes include calling her small or little and teasing her about her height. or using foul language like F@## or B####; she won't get after you for that, so expect her to say something along the lines of ''Language."

In terms of what she wants in a relationship with you, it is simple. Loyalty and respect

When you ask her to be your mate, she'll be over the moon and say yes without hesitation. And expect her to jump into your arms and kiss you. Once it's official, she'll be the happiest moth alive. Getting on the subject of kids, she'll definitely want to have some with you. There are a few ways I can see this going. If you are a different species from her and you can't have children through physical means, she can lay an egg, and the two of you can raise the larva that comes from it. If you can have a kid through physical means, then Mothra will bring it up and ask when you want to try, and after you do the deed, she'll be happy. It's pretty much the same if you're the same type of Titan.

With Mothra's pregnancy, she might ask you to go get certain foods she's craving, like leaves, fruits, maybe some meat, etc. With mood swings, she mostly tries to keep them under control; if not, she'll leave the area or room you're in so she can calm down. Because she's afraid of getting angry at you, if she does yell at you or suddenly get angry at you, she'll quickly snap out of it and apologize. Once she finally lays your egg, she might need a minute to compose herself and rest for a while; after all, childbirth ain't fun. But Mothra will be happy that she has a family with the love of her life.

The only strong issue I can see would be your stance on violence. Mothra tries to use violence as a last resort. And if you're like Godzilla and kill any Titan that crosses you, there may be issues. Mothra would want you to try and talk to them to see if you can talk them down. This will be apparent if she's coming with you to your fights. Other than that, expect some fights here and there—ya know, normal stuff like that.

If you're ever angry, she'll try to calm you down, and for the love of whatever god or gods you believe in, don't direct your anger towards her; she'll put you in your place quickly. If you are sad, she'll hold or cuddle you and tell you she loves you, and she'll try to fix whatever made you sad—someone was mad at you. They'll apologize the same, or the next day, a family member died? Hold you and tell you there is a better place. Not feeling worth it? Don't say that you matter to her; you're her world.

Now let's say you're depressed. How does she find out? Maybe she caught you in the act of hurting yourself; maybe she connected the dots with your scars or excuses; maybe she saw through your excuse. Whatever the case may be, once she finds out, her heart will break for you. First, Mothra will ask you where you kept the objects you used to hurt yourself or how. Next, she'll find and get rid of them. Expect her to ask if that's all of them; if not, she'll ask where the others are and find them. Once done, Mothra will hold you and ask, Why?" "I don't matter." "You matter to me and everyone else." "I'm useless." "The humans don't think so." "I'm a failure." "If you're a failure, why did you make it this far?" "No one loves me." "I love you." "I should kill myself; no one will care." "I care and I'll be hurt; Kong would be hurt; Godzilla will be hurt." "You're just saying this." "I mean every word."

Once Mothra finds out she's never leaving your side until you're better, she's stuck with you. So be ready for her constant cuddling. When you are with her, she'll make sure you know you are loved by her and by your friends and family, if you have any. The only time you'll ever be apart from her is when you or she need to use the bathroom or if she has to leave and deal with something and let me tell you, it has to be bad for her to leave. She wouldn't want you alone and unsupervised, mostly because she's afraid you'll hurt yourself or do something worse. Mothra might not show, but secretly, she's afraid you'll kill yourself if she isn't there. Overall, Mothra would want to help you and show you that you are loved.

World Count: 1582

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