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Mothra was softly humming as she was cleaning her and her brother's temple, getting rid of the occasional cobweb. Except for some cobwebs, the temple was clean for the most part. Her head lifted slightly higher when she heard someone's footsteps. Battra? No, his footsteps were light like hers. Maybe Y/N? He did tell her he was planning on seeing her. Walking towards the sound, she planned on seeing who or what Turning a corner, she saw Y/N. Her curiosity turned to happiness and concern when she saw his state. Cuts were dotting his face, torso, and legs. Wounds bleeding around his chest

"Hey, sorry about your floor," Y/N mumbled while rubbing the back of his head. Mothra glanced down and noticed some blood on the floor. Shaking her head slightly, she walked up to Y/N, ushering him to lie down. "No, I meant your back," Mothra spoke, looking up at him. "Oh okay." Y/N laid-back. "What happened?" Mothra spoke, dripping with concern. "I got into a fight with some giant turtle," Y/N said. "Weirdly enough, he absorbed any fire I shot at him." Y/N followed. Mothra listened while looking Y/N up and down. She concluded that his wounds were only around his arms and chest.

Mothra turned away, walking over to where she kept some leafs. Battra taught her how to clean wounds. Turning around, she walked back to Y/N and began cleaning up the wounds. Climbing onto his chest, she continued tending to the wounds. Looking at him, he was blushing a bit. Mothra blushed softly. Mothra got off of him, clearing her throat. She looked at him. "Did you rush in headfirst again?" Mothra questioned as Y/N began to get up, wincing while doing so. "Yeah, I was maybe a little over my head." Y/N chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head again.

Mothra sighed. "Y/N, we talked about how doing stuff like that can kill you." Y/N frowned. "Well, in my defense, I had him on the ropes until he ate my fire," Y/N spoke with his wings, retracting. "That doesn't matter; you could have been killed," Mothra spoke while looking up at him. "And I don't know what I would have done had you gotten yourself killed," Mothra said with concern and sadness. Frowning, Y/N embraced Mothra. "Alright, I'll think before I act." Mothra smiled, and she hugged back. "That's all I ask." "You're soft; you know that," Y/N spoke softly. Mothra blushed. "You're big and lovable." Mothra giggled as she pressed harder against him.

Word Count: 421

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now