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Now Y/N has seen a lot of interesting Kaiju, such as spiders, dinosaurs, birds, or strange mutated creatures, some good, some bad, or just plain weird, and Y/N was about to meet a certain Kaiju. Y/N was flying in the air without a care in the world. Soaring around at 300 mph, he suddenly paused when he saw a white dot. It was in a heavily wooded area, and with curiosity biting at him, Y/N decided to check it out. Landing on the ground, he saw it clearly—some kind of white caccone thing.

Why is this here? He thought to himself. He moved up to it slowly before backing away when it looked like it was hatching. Standing there, Y/N watched with a curious expression written on his face. Forelegs and what appeared to be wings coming out of it until it was fully revealed to be a moth? She immediately did a double-take when she saw Y/N standing there. For a few moments, the room was covered in silence until it was broken by her speaking. "Um, hello?" She spoke with some confusion and a little concern. Y/N blinked before he strung a reply. "Oh, uh, hello, I didn't think you could talk." She tilted her head at this before calmly replying "Yes, why wouldn't I?" "Nothing, I suppose, since you looked to be, uh, born." Her confused expression transformed into realization. "No, just a rebirth." Now Y/N was even more confused.

"Like reincarnation?" "Yes, expect I remember everything." She spoke with some kindness. "Oh, did you die or something, if you don't mind me asking?" Y/N asked with his curiosity reaching its peak. She nodded and chirped a yes while she was crawling out of her cocoon. Once out, Y/N fully got a look at her, and he found her cute. What? Wait a minute, her body structure was similar to a corpse he found near a destroyed village; the shape was the same, but he wasn't sure. I mean, it didn't have wings or fur; it was badly damaged, to put it lightly. "Weird question, but did you die in a village?" Y/N spoke without thinking and immediately mentally slapped himself.

"Yes, I died fending off a kaiju from that village." She spoke with some sadness. Okay, Y/N thought maybe he should leave, or if he had to have a conversation with her, maybe steer the conversation away from whatever this is. Guess what he chose.

"Yeah, that's a village I usually protect from kaiju." Now it was Mothra's turn to tilt her head. "You also defend humans?" She spoke with some happiness and surprise, "Yeah, or at least try to anyway." She smiled, "Glad I'm not the only one." Y/N smiled and thought her smile was so cute. "Well, I should get going. I need to do my usual rounds, but I hope to see you again." "Most definitely, especially when I need an ally, I'll try and find you." She spoke with such warmth that it could make anyone feel comfortable. Y/N turned around and was about to take off before he was stopped by the moth.

"I forgot to tell you, but my name is Mothra." "A lovely name for a lovely titan." She blushed a bit at that. "Y/N, and see you around." Y/N took flight and heard her yell bye. For the whole day, Y/N was only thinking one thing: I have to see her again.

Word Count: 571

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now