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When Y/N dreams, he usually dreams about random stuff like controlling the weather, messing with Godzilla, causing the Scar King to explode from Y/N touching him, or doing things like Mothra. What? A Titan can fantasize about his mate like that, right? But this dream was different. Y/N was somewhere strange; there were weird-looking block structures that were destroyed or had collapsed. The sky was dark with some ash. flying around. Trying to move, it was like his body weighed thousands upon thousands of pounds. Glancing over his arms and wings, he saw the blood and cuts all over and had a huge piece of some metal object stabbed deep into his left arm, protruding into the ground.

Looking up, he froze. There stood King Ghidorah, the three-headed dragon. All heads were smiling at him—well, two of them—the right one, Kevin? Y/N thought. He looked sad and refused to look Y/N in the eyes.

Wrapping his talons around the thing, Y/N attempted to pull it out, but no matter what he did or how much he pulled, it refused to move

Wrapping his talons around the thing, Y/N attempted to pull it out, but no matter what he did or how much he pulled, it refused to move. The two heads grinned at this, and they both spoke in unison. "Oh, how cute!" Y/N gave them a sideways glance and went straight back to what he was doing. "Don't worry, I'll tell Godzilla and Mothra how weak you are." Desperation began filling Y/N as he pulled harder. Lightning shot towards Y/N.

Y/N heard Mothra's cry as she came before you and the lighting bolt. Electricity coursed through her body as she fell to the ground, slightly twitching before becoming still. "That was unexpected." The middle head expressed some surprise in his thick Russian accent. "Oh, whatever." Both heads burst out laughing as if the funniest joke in the world had been spoken. "Let's try that again." Electricity began coursing through his body. Y/N barely noticed this as he stared in horror at the dead body of his lover. Any attempts to move weren't possible, as if the only thing he could do was stare at water filling his eyes. "Oh, and Y/N." Looking up, Ghidorah was smiling the most wicked smile. "Tell Mothra I said hi." "I." Electricity coursed through his body before darkness.


On instinct, Y/N breathed a fireball from his mouth, causing a smoldering hole in his roof. Y/N breathed in and out; it took him a moment to realize that he wasn't dreaming. Oh sh*t, he wasn't dreaming. Turning his head down, he saw his mate Mothra in his arms, looking at him in surprise.

"Sorry for waking you." "It's fine, but are you okay? "Yeah, I'm fine." "I don't believe that," Mothra murmured with concern. "What's wrong?" she asked with worry. "I" Y/N began before pausing, taking a deep breath, and looking up at the hole in the roof before he continued. "I had a dream where Ghidorah and I were in this destroyed city; I was injured, and before he killed me, you sacrificed yourself, and he ended up killing me." Once done, Y/N looked down at Mothra. She wrapped two of her forelegs around your neck. "Shh, it's okay; I'm not going anywhere, not now, not never." She spoke with warmth, her eyes admitting that same warmth. Rewrapping her wings around Y/N, she began speaking again. "Don't worry, I'll always come back." "What If you don't?" Snuggling, Y/N felt her fur brushing against his neck and belly. "I will don't worry now. Could you please loosen your grip? You're starting to crush me." Y/N nodded, closing his eyes. Y/N tried to drift off to sleep. "I love you." "I love you too," Y/N said softly. One thing stayed in his mind: what if she never came back?

Word Count 647

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now