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(Couldn't find anything official about Manda's gender so with the power of fanfiction, she's a female in this)

What was so captivating about you? She was, ironically, a moth to a flame. Everything about you was so beautiful.

Y/N sighed as he started stretching his wings. He was going to talk to Manda today; he didn't know why she would probably lie to him again and steal. Y/N kept finding things stolen from his temple and, funnily enough, finding them at her temple at first. Maybe someone from her temple brought them over to hers, but it kept happening again and again. Y/N confronted her on this and left; eventually, she came to him and wanted to talk about this. The first time she asked this, he was near Mothra, who tried to get her to leave. Manda told Y/N she needed to talk to him urgently without Mothra. You decided to do it against Mothra's wishes.

Right before he took off, he heard a light thump behind him. Turning around, Mothra stood there, looking as peaceful as ever. She smiled at him. "Hello, Y/N, how are you?" Mothra spoke softly. "Okay, I suppose I'm going to go talk to Manda," Y/N replied with some annoyance in his voice.

She narrowed her eyes at him and said, "Why would you do that? We both know she'll lie to you." Mothra spoke with a portion of warmth. "Why not just stay here and enjoy some fruit with me?" she spoke while setting some green fruits on the ground. "We can once I'm done talking to her." Rotating 180 degrees Y/N began to take off, pausing. Y/N turned around. "Would you mind if you looked after the temple for me? She might know about the holes in the earth and steal something again." "Don't worry, I'll make sure," "Thank you, Mothra, I owe you." Y/N gave a smile towards Mothra, who gave a cute giggle at this and nodded. Y/N turned around and flew away, causing Mothra to smile wider. Her plan was working.

She saw the way Manda looked at Y/N, and well, she couldn't have that Y/N will be hers. Her mind began to run; maybe she should plant another thing in Manda's temple just to confirm Y/N's "suspicion" of her. Deciding on the ladder, she started climbing up the stairs to Y/N's temple.

Deciding on the ladder, she started climbing up the stairs to Y/N's temple

Deciding on the ladder, she started climbing up the stairs to Y/N's temple

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(What Y/n's temple looks like)

She looked around to see what she could plant. She grabbed a small tablet; it had a carved picture of Y/N and words written on it. Well, it was a good attempt at drawing him, but they couldn't capture his beauty. His eyes, scales, wings, face, and smile made her mind begin fantasizing about Y/N. She was only brought back by a hiss. Turning around, Manda was there, hissing at her.

"I knew you were the one behind this," she growled at her

"I knew you were the one behind this," she growled at her. Mothra placed the tablet back on the table before looking at her. "What do you mean?" Mothra said it calmly, with a hint of softness to it. "Yes, you do; you were the one stealing things from Y/N, putting them in my temple, and making him think I did it," she said while clenching her teeth. Mothra continued to feign ignorance.

"I'm afraid to tell you, but it's not me." A small smirk formed on Mothra's face, as if someone had told her a joke that wasn't that funny but was amusing. "Even if I did, you have no proof. If anything, this proves Y/N right." Manda tilted her head. "What do you mean?" she asked hotly. "Y/N doesn't know you are here, so what will he think when I tell him I caught you sneaking in?" Manda growled, realizing the situation she was in, and turned around, crawling away. Mothra smiled triumphantly as Manda jumped into the water and swam away.


Y/N landed on the ground with a soft thud. Mothra was there to greet him. "Hello, Y/N, how did it go?" Y/N looked up at her with an annoyed look smacked across his face. "Terrible; she lied completely to my face." Mothra's smile turned into a frown. "What did she tell you?" Mothra asked with concern in her words. "Oh, how she didn't do it; you were the one doing it, yadda." Which ended with an eye roll. Mothra nodded. "I did see her here when you left," Y/N growled and muttered a certain B-word. Mothra placed a foreleg on Y/N's shoulder. "Calm down; there's no use in getting angry," she said with warmth. "I know it's just that I trusted her; you know, I didn't know she was capable of this," Y/N spoke with sadness. "Would you like those fruits now?" Y/N softly smiled in response.

I hope you all enjoyed this part. It surprised me that there weren't many yanderes of Mothra or in general; the only ones I found were either Godzilla or a one-off of her and somebody else. Eh, whatever, let me know of any mistakes I didn't catch or if something didn't make sense. See you later, space cowboys.

Word Count 908

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now