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Mothra hummed softly as she lay on a patch of grass while admiring the beauty of the forest around her. She was amazed that something this beautiful existed on earth; this was something else Mothra thought while lying down. Mothra perked up when she heard a loud thud behind her. Turning her head in that direction, she was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar dragon, Y/N. Y/N quickly hid something under his tail when Mothra looked towards him. Mothra titled her head slightly confused before shrugging it off. "Hey, Mothra." Y/N smiled with a slight blush on his face.

"Hello, Y/N How are you?" Mothra chirped while tilting her head, wondering why he seemed nervous. "I'm good, you?" Y/N spoke while checking under his tail before blocking it with his tail again, causing Mothra's curiosity to skyrocket. "What are you doing?" Mothra asked, confused. "I'm checking on something." "What is it?" Mothra got up and started walking towards the dragon. "Well, turn around; it's a surprise." "Oh, okay," Mothra said, turning around. "So," Y/N began while lifting his tail and grabbing at something. "I was flying around, you know, doing my rounds." "Hmph," Mothra replied, wondering what he was going to show her. "Then I saw this big hole. I went inside it and found out it led to hollow earth, specifically to a field down there. Okay, turn around."

Mothra turned around and was surprised. Seeing Y/N holding a rose which surprised her especially since roses don't get that big. "It had lots of flowers, and I thought you would like one," Y/N said while blushing. Mothra reached out with her mantis leg and grabbed it, a tint of red forming on her cheeks, replacing the white that was once there. Mothra's smile formed on her face. "Y/N, thank you," Mothra said, looking up at him and smiling. Y/N blushed a bit harder, causing Mothra to giggle. "What's so funny?" Y/N asked, looking at her with some confusion. "Nothing; it's just that you're as red as this rose." Mothra teased. "Well bye," Y/N muttered as he shot up into the air, causing her smile to slightly fade after seeing him leave before it returned after looking a

Word Count: 369

Mothra x Dragon Reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now