"There's some security threats so we can't leave the house for a week or so," Lucian clarifies. "Oh," I state, taking that information in.

"Okay," I shrug. I don't want to waste my time indoors, I want to be out living but to be honest I'm really tired.

Lately I can't be awake for more than two hours without feeling like I need a nap so maybe a week of sleeping and relaxing will do me some good.

"Do you mind if I have something to eat," I ask, eyeing the bags full of groceries on the kitchen counter. 

"Yeah you don't have to ask," Lucian snorts, his attention now diverted towards the tv. I peel myself off the sofa, being able to hear Emilio following me.

I decide I might as well unpack the groceries while I'm here and begin doing so as he leans against the kitchen counter.

"You're okay with this?" He asks, genuinely surprised. "I would have thought you'd put up a fuss considering."

"Considering what?" I ask, placing a carton of milk in the fridge. 

"Considering the fuss you put up last time," He snorts, now helping to unpack the bags. "Oh you mean the fuss I put up when you kidnapped me?" I reiterate. 

"I'd hardly call it kidnapping," He rolls his eyes. "More like saving," He adds smugly. 

"Saving from what?" I snort.

"Oh I don't know, being killed by a cartel or being handcuffed to a pipe or maybe your own bad decisions, either one really," He lists, clearly amused. 

I huff, realising how stupid my decisions were in hindsight. "Have I ever told you you're an asshole?" I roll my eyes, laying out a bag of fresh fruit in the fruit basket.

"Not lately no," He smirks, passing me another bag of apples before heading back over to the sofa. 

"Oh and Emilio," I call out. "Thanks for the clothes," I tell him, our eyes now locked on one another. 

"You're welcome," He says nonchalantly, as if spending probably thousands on me is no big deal. "You look good in them," He mutters, looking me up and down.

He leaves me in the kitchen feeling flustered as I finish up the remaining groceries. I watch as he goes outside for a smoke as I walk over to the sofa with a bowl of ramen in hand.

Miles, being the sweetheart he is thanks me for putting the shopping away and we continuing talking as Lucian decides what to put on the tv.

Hours and hours tick by as we watch movie after movie with all of us lazily sprawled out across the sofas.

I know I said getting some rest would be good for me but I'm currently bored shitless and I'm extremely uncomfortable.

Not even half an hour after my noodles I had to rush to the bathroom to puke them up which thankfully went undetected by everyone else. Ever since then I could only stomach water and had to turn down dinner which did not go down lightly.

Harper scampered off about an hour ago to do who knows what in her room while the rest of us continue to mindlessly watch the screen.

"Guysss," Harper calls out, finally returning. She practically skips in, pausing the tv and standing in front of it.

She's holding a large piece of card and looks very excited.

"Have I got your attention?" She announces. Everyone lets out a chorus of yeses as she clears her throat.

"Since we're all bored and we have a new house member," She smiles, motioning towards me. "I think we should play some games so we can all bond," She reveals.

"I think we're all already bonded," Lucian snorts, eyeing me and Emilio because we're practically sitting on top of one another.

"We barely know anything about Serena and she barely knows anything about us so these should help," She says, turning her piece of card around.

The card, decorated with a glittery pink boarder and bubble writing has a list of games written on it.

"Harper these are all kids games," Tyler muses, leaning in to get a better look. "No they're not," Harper huffs.

"Have you ever seen a grown adult play duck duck goose," He replies, trying to suppress his laughter.

"Okay fine we don't have to play that one but the rest are still good," She defends herself, turning the card around and looking down at it.

"So what do you say?" She asks, looking up at us hopefully. We all sit in silence for a second before I break it.

"I'll play," I announce. Harper squeals in excitement and looks around, expecting the boys to concede. 

Evidently they do, unable to say no to her. 

She claps her hands together before her face morphs into one of deliberation. "Hm what game should we play first," She thinks out loud.

Her face shifts from thoughtfulness to mischief as a smile graces her lips.

"Let's play truth or dare."

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