Love Me Not - Ethubs & Boat Boys

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It was finally over! Double life had come to a close and the soul bonds had been broken. Bdubs couldn't be more excited. Etho finally wouldn't be stuck to Joel! Bdubs had never liked Joel anyway, too annoying and full of himself. He wasn't right for Etho. Etho didn't need him!

Bdubs landed at the corner of Ethos base. It was the first time they would see each other since the game. The first time they could talk without fearing that they would die at any moment. Bdubs had missed talking to Etho. He secretly hoped that Etho felt the same.

Did Bdubs like Etho? Of course! But he'd never admit it. Honestly, he probably more than liked Etho. He loved  Etho. Etho was strong and smart and perfect. Bdubs loved him.

Bdubs ran excitedly into the base and found Etho, who was already working on a new redstone contraption.

"ETHO!" Etho jumped, startled by the energetic man.

"Bdubs! How are ya man? You scared me."

"Sorry, I was just excited to see ya!"

"Well here I am."

"Amazing!" Etho chuckled. Bdubs beamed. He could make Etho laugh. He loved when Etho laughed.

"So? How are things now that double life is over?"

"Same way things are after every life game. Still on edge, but back to normal."

"You're a mad man for coming back and immediately starting another redstone project." Etho just shrugged.

"No shame in getting work done B."

"You're right. That's one of the great things about yo-" Bdubs was cut off as Ethos communicator buzzed.

"Oh sorry, gotta take this. Mind waiting for a few seconds?" Bdubs nodded and watched as Etho walked in the other room and picked up the call. He subconsciously listened in to Ethos answers to whoever was on the other end.

"Mhm... yeah...Back to redstone!..HA! I can't believe you!...I miss you too... tomorrow? I'll clear my schedule!.... Love you more!... no way... Love you boat boy... See ya soon pretty boy." Bdubs heart sank. Boat boy? That was Joel. Etho was calling Joel. Why was he talking to Joel!?!? Their soul bond was broken. They didn't have to pretend to be in love anymore. Why was Etho saying I love you to Joel? Etho walked back into the room.

"Sorry about that B." Bdubs knew the answer, but asked anyway.

"Who was that?"

"Oh, Joel."

"What did he need?" Etho smiled fondly.

"Oh he just wanted to schedule a meet up."

"But why? The games are over?" Etho blushed.

"Because long distance dating is hard." Bdubs looked at Etho in shock. Etho had never dated anyone. Etho wasn't supposed to be dating anyone. Etho was supposed to be his!


"Yeah, it's surprising for me too. We were both off server hanging out and Joel told me he loved me so I told him I loved him. Now we're dating!"

"Do you... really love him?" Bdubs asked quaintly. Etho blushed and smiled.

"More than even he knows." There it was. Bdubs's heart cracked. He held the tears back in his eyes. Etho couldn't see him cry.

"I- I'm happy for you man."

"Thanks B! You're a great friend." The words stabbed in Bdubs chest like daggers. That filthy word: friend. "So! What do ya wanna do now?" Bdubs cringed at Etho's enthusiasm.

"A-actually I'm not feeling too well. Side effects from dying in double life probably..." Concern grew on Ethos face.

"Oh ok... that can't feel good. Do you need me to get you anything? Health pots? Water?"

"No! No... I'm fine. Just need to lay down for a bit."

"Ok. I guess you are the sleep king! Go get your rest."

"I will. See ya around Etho." Once he was out of sight of Etho, Bdubs rocketed as far away from Ethos base as he could. One phrase repeated over and over in his head.

'Etho NEVER loved you. Etho NEVER loved YOU. ETHO NEVER LOVED YOU.' The thoughts were too much. Bdubs was so focused on the pain and the voice echoing in his head. Tears blinded his vision so much so that he didn't have time to react to the tree he was speeding towards. He hit it full force, falling to the ground.

It hurt, sure, but Bdubs couldn't feel the pain of the impact over the pain of rejection. He pulled his knees to his chest and sobbed. The truth had finally set in.

Bdubs had always known that Etho was too good for him. Etho was a trophy for the best man. Bdubs had just never expected the best man to be Joel. Impulsive, dumb, stupid, self-centered Joel.

Deep down, Bdubs knew that Joel would be good for Etho. Etho was quiet, Joel was loud. Etho hated attention, Joel loved it. Etho liked redstone, Joel liked building. And as the old adage goes, opposites attract. Bdubs knew that him and Etho wouldn't have made a better couple, but it still hurt. 

Joel loved Etho.

Etho loved Joel.

Bdubs loved Etho

Etho loved Joel.

Bdubs took a shaky breath. He wasn't ok. But he needed to be. He needed to support Etho in his new relationship. He needed to let any feelings he had towards Etho die. Right now. Sure, he wasn't good enough to date Etho, but he had to be good enough to be his friend. If he wasn't, then he'd be nothing.

Bdubs stood and wiped the tears from his face. He needed to be strong. Because Bdubs loved Etho, and when you love someone, you need sacrifice anything to make them happy...



Requested by: @Seth189 and @_abby042588 

Some Ethdubs Angst for you lovely people! Sorry it took me so long to get around to writing it. 

Have a beautiful day you beautiful people! 

Oneshot WonderlandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora