Anger Issues - Ranchers

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"I can't believe Scar! 'Oh Tango! I did a service by burning down the foot tower! It was ugly!' SERVICE MY A-"

"Tango." Jimmy glanced at his soulmate, who was angrily pacing around their new ranch house.

"How are you not angry Jimmy! Scar is an idiot! He's gonna be really sorry when I release a second warden into his base! He's got another thing comi-"


"Scar will pay! And Scott and Cleo too! Im gonna release enough wardens to wipe out the entire serv-"


"What!?!?!? Did I say something wrong?"

"Thats it. I've had enough."

"Enough of wha-" Jimmy walked over to Tango and started pushing him toward the door.

"Enough of your persistent yelling and complaining! Until you can get a grip on those anger issues, you're sleeping outside with the cows." Tango opened his moth to protest but Jimmy had already shoved him out the door and shut it behind him. Tango banged on the door.

"Jimmmyyyyyyy! You can't lock me out! This is my ranch too! Jimmy!!!!" Jimmy ignored Tango and found a nice seat to sit on as he polished his tools.

"Jimmy come on! You can't be serious! Scar deserves it and you know it!" Tango's remarks were once again met with silence. He angrily stomped around, smashing some of their crops beneath his boots. Tango kicked at the gateway to the ranch, rereading the sign that forbid Scar from entering.

"Scar is the worst! Banning him from the ranch is the best decision I've ever made! I'll release 100 wardens to keep him and his filthy Jellie pandas away from my ranch! He'll see!" Tango ran out of the gate, nearly running straight into a skeleton. He drew his sword and slashed at the beast, sending bones in every direction.Tango let out a shout of anger as his blade dug into the back of a nearby spider. He stabbed at countless zombies, letting himself be consumed in rage. 

After a while of attacking monsters, Tango could feel himself growing tired. He turned to go back to the ranch and found himself face to face with a creeper. The green beast exploded, leaving Tango feeling awful. He solemnly trudged back to the ranch. He let himself through the gate and went and knocked on the door.

"Jimmy? Can I please come back inside?" The lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing the smirking face of his soulmate.

"You get that anger out yet?" Tango whined.


"Good. Now come inside. Dinner's getting cold and we still need to take care of those wounds." Tango quickly realized that Jimmy had to feel all the stray arrows and creeper explosions that he had encountered during his rage. He rushed inside and hugged Jimmy tight.

"Sorry for being a jerk... I love you." Jimmy rolled his eyes and smiled, returning the hug.

"I love you too idiot."

After patching wounds and dinner, Jimmy climbed into bed. Tango stood on the side.

"Jimmy? Please tell me I don't still have to sleep with the cows...." Jimmy giggled and held his arms out.

"Come here Tango." Tango jumped into Jimmy's arms and quickly cuddled beside him. The two fell asleep together, calm and happy, awaiting another chaotic day of Double Life. 


Rancher Duo requested by ThatOneWaterCat (I love Cat's work go follow them they're amazing)

I rewatched Tango's POV of Double Life and I forgot how sudden the ending was :/ Long live ranchers I love them so much <3

I hope Y'all enjoyed! If you have requests comment them here! See ya next time love ya! 

Oneshot Wonderlandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें