I Found You in Fall - Ranchers (Sequel to I Lost You in Autumn)

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I found you in fall.

I lost you last autumn, and learned to move on. Cherishing the time we had. Holding onto that spark. 

Our ranch is a memory, tucked inside my heart. It's safe there. No one can ever take it from me.

And you were my fire, but you slowly burnt out. The embers stopped burning my skin after a while. I learned to live with your ghost, and time passed.

I missed you.

Really really missed you.

The sun shone down on Tumble town, a gentle breeze whispering of change. Orange and yellow trees carried the telltale sign of fall. It was that time of year once again. I had been excited for the season for the first time in a long time. There were so many things to plan, so many people to visit. I reveled in the excitement of it all. I was prepared for fall.

I was not prepared for the rift.

The shimmering purple mystery sat near the great bridge. I tried to pay it no mind. After all, I had a billion exciting things to do. I returned to Tumble Town and shoved the thought of the rift far into the depths of my brain. But still, everywhere I walked, the birds sang of change, and the brooks babbled about the past.

So, I ignored them. I shifted my full attention to the prosperity of the town and harvest season. New buildings, new crops, new sales. Everything was new. Perhaps this was the change spoken of by the world? But still it whispered of change. Something was coming.

And then there you were.

Golden hair now blue. Ember eyes turned to ice. Grinning and laughing that beautiful laugh. Different look, same you. 

I had lost you a lifetime of autumns ago.

But now i had found you in fall once more.

My rancher. 

My fire.

And suddenly, everything came back to me.

All the glorious days of fiery excitement. All the warmth when you were near me. Everything was ours once again. That fire rekindled.

My fire. My rancher once more.

I wrapped you in my arms. Held you tight. If I could've, I would have held you until winter passed.

We played goat horns together. Their calls were music to out ears. Their song a promise. A bond unbreakable, no matter how far we traveled.

Then I showed you tumble town, every nook and cranny. Every secret. The fields and the streets where I was the law. You loved every second of it. Your smile warmed my heart. 

And I kissed your cheek at sunset, telling you how much I missed you. And you held me close. Everything was right.

But the birds still sang of change, and I knew you couldn't be here forever.

I built us a replica of our home. A place where you could rest. But a fire never sits still, and you were the same.

No matter how warm I tried to make it, you couldn't stay.

I knew you couldn't stay.

So once again, I'd lose you in autumn.

But the rift still lived, and so I went through. Over to the world you loved. Chasing your flame.

My fire.

My rancher.

I found you in Fall.

I promise I won't lose you ever again. I will stoke the fire in your heart if you'll keep me warm through the winter.

I tucked you away in my heart for years. Now, I will love you.

So when I think of fire, I think of warm hugs and glowing ember eyes. I think of a voice laced with sweet ashes, and a smile hotter than the sun. And you'll be here with me, my fire.

No matter the season, I will always be warm with you. 


Shorter one, but y'all wanted the other half to I Lost You in Autumn so here it is

Wrote it a bit ago and couldn't figure out hoe to make it longer so it's a baby story

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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