Chapter 36

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Jasper stumbled, his chest heaving as they slowed to a stop in the middle of the street. Quinn panted hard, her knees wobbling.

"What.. the fuck just happened!" Jasper snapped, gripping onto his hat and yanking it off his head. Quinn looked up at him, her chest rising up and down.

"I can explain-"

"Then start!" Jasper snapped, cutting her off. Quinn tensed, looking down at her bloody hands.

"I was adopted," Quinn started, looking past her hands to the ground. "My... my birth mother she, my childhood was horrible and I ran away at five," she explained, her voice quiet. Jasper's jaw clenched up.

"How the hell does that explain you having super powers!" Jasper yelled, moving his hands about. Quinn flinched, her eyes stinging as tears formed.

"C-an you stop yelling," Quinn studdered. Jasper gulped hard, brushing his hair back.

"Explain," Jasper stated. "Because right now, everything doesnt make any fucking sense," he stated.

"My mother experimented on me and a bunch of other kids," Quinn choked up, her cheeks puffing up as she gulped. "Most of them didnt make it out, I dont remember their names but my sister- half sister and her half brother never made it out for all I know," she explained shakily, tears falling. "I made it out and found a great home with Mama and they didn't so there! There, thats everything, are you happy now!" Quinn yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks. Jasper's chest tightened, watching as her hands shook, only now noticing how bloody they were.


"I'm going home, I'll talk to you later," Quinn muttered, holding herself together slightly as she turned away from him and walked quickly away. Jasper could hear her quiet sobs as she made it home.


Jasper stumbled home, his face in a too familiar state as he felt his jaw ache. Matt was gonna be pissed, he knew it but maybe he could hide it for a few days, wait for himself to cool down.

He walked to the apartment door and unlocked it, wiping tears from his beaten face as he walked in.

"Matt? I'm home," he called out, sniffling as he walked down the hall. He walked and then froze, his heart breaking as he slipped his bag off. "W-what the hell," he whispered.

Matt lay on the couch, his face bloody as his head hung off the arm of the couch. His chest was in a similar state, cuts and bruises painted on his pale skin. "Jas, I wasnt expecting you home yet," he stated. Jasper shook his head, dropping his bag on the counter before walking over.

"You- you knew... you," he gulped, shaking his head. "You lied to me," he snapped slightly, piecing it together after all this time. This was the apartment Daredevil took him too, this is how Daredevil knew how to find him when he was kidnapped, when Lizzie was killed. When he didnt know how to deal with the grief. Matt shook his head.

"Jas, let me explain," he said softly, sitting up slowly.

"You lied to me!" Jasper yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Y-you never told me, you never- I thought I could trust you, out of everyone!" he yelled, his chest aching as his gripped onto the front of his shirt. Matt felt tears fall onto his own cheeks.

"Jasper I did it to protect you, you're a kid you shouldnt be pulled into this secret," Matt explained, pain palsing in his body. "I did it to protect you,"

"You could have died..." Jasper muttered, letting out a sob. "You would have left like everyone else!" he cried out. He shook his head as he stumbled back, grabbing his bag. "I can't..." he whispered before turning his heel. He spun around and booked it out of the apartment.

"Jasper!" Matt called out and sighed shakily, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fuck..." he whispered.


Quinn cleaned her hands in the bathroom sink, sniffling as tears rolled down her cheeks. She hissed as water made contact with the cuts on her palms. The sink ran red. She wiped her cheek with her sleeve and turned the water off with her elbow.

Quinn looked up at her refection and sniffled, her lip wobbling as she took in her features. Tonight was too much, too much too fast. How could I be that stupid? What if more people saw, they didnt die- did I think I was gonna kill them and get away scot free? God what if she caught wind, I can't go back I wont go back to Hydra-

Her thoughts rambled on as she didnt hear the front door open and close. She didnt hear as Caroline called her name and made it up the stairs. She didnt hear as her mom opened the door and took her hands.

This wasn't her first time having a dissociative episode. She had it many times as a child but now? Now it only happened during periods of pure stress and anxiety. Caroline helped her onto the ground, onto her seat as she held her delicate palms and rubbed her wrists, her eyes darting over her daughter to make sure she was physically okay. Mentally she knew she wasnt.

It took 10 minutes for Quinn to come out of it.


Quinn sipped on some hot coco, the clock reading 12:30am. Caroline finished making herself a cup before walking over and sitting beside her. Quinn stayed quiet, her now bandaged hands being carmed by the cup to comfort.

"What happened tonight baby..." Caroline asked gently, turned towards her daughter. Quinn sighed shakily, her finger tapping against the ceramic.

"Jasper wanted to go after the guys who ran with his dad... the same group thats been in the news the past few days," she said quietly, looking towards Caroline but avoiding eye contact. "It went... bad and I... I had to defend us..." she whispered. Caroline furrowed her brows as she reached forward and took her face, tilting her head up so she could see her eyes.

"Why didnt you call me before it got to that point?" She asked. Quinn's lip quivered, tears forming.

"I-I.. I dont know," she admitted. "I thought since Jasper could do it, that I could too. Then it went so bad so fast and... I panicked," she whimpered, tears rolling down her round cheeks. Caroline exhaled and put their cups down beside wrapping her arms around Quinn.

She leaned them into the couch and held her child to her chest. Quinn clutched her and sobbed, trembling.

"I thought I could be brave... I-I thought I could use these powers like them and I... I hurt people..." she whimpered, focusing on Caroline's touch. She rubbed circles into her shoulder and down her back. Caroline rested her head against hers.

"You're so brave my sweet sweet girl," she said softly, wiping her cheeks with her palm. "You've been brave your whole life. Thats how you're here with me now," she exclaimed, seeing the same little girl she took in. Quinn sniffled, her nose red and her cheeks puffy.

"I told Jasper... and yelled at him too..." she whispered. "I feel bad but.. But he yelled at me and made the whole situation even worse and I just wanted to go home-"

"Hey hey," Caroline calmed her, brushing her hair back. "You expressed yourself and... and yes it probably wasnt the best to yell at eachother but... but he.." she exhaled, trying to find the words.

"He doesnt know how to express his emotions other than yelling," Quinn whispered, resting her head on her moms shoulder. Caroline sighed softly and nodded. Quinn sniffled and nodded. "I dont wanna talk to him yet... I... I need to make sure I'm okay before I can," she explained. Caroline smiled softly and kissed her temple.

"I love you my baby," she whispered, squeezing her tight, Quinn smiled and nuzzled into her, hugging her tightly.

"Love you too Mama," she muttered. 

Adopted by the Devil - Matt Murdock (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now