Chapter 11

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trigger warning: discussion about sexual assault

Jasper groaned, slowly rolling onto his back. He winced, the pain medication numbing most of the pain as he layed back. "W-what happened..." he whispered, his eyes closed as he focused on the feeling of his hand in Matt's. Matt sighed shakily.

"You're in the hospital, something happened at the party you were at.." Karen said softly, not knowing how to word the next part.

"Multiple people... they.." Matt sighed shakily, taking over explaining.

"I was raped wasn't I..." Jasper's voice was so small, almost inaudible as a few tears fell. Matt squeezed his hand gently.

"Jasper... what happened... it wasn't your fault, it isnt your fault" Karen said softly, getting up and sitting beside him on the hospital bed. Jasper opened his eyes slightly, looking up at her.

"I drank a lot... I should have guessed I was gonna get drugged at some point.." he muttered, glancing over at Matt and then at his lap. Karen shook her head, taking his other hand.

"Don't do that to yourself..." she said gently. She sighed, rubbing his hand.

"Where did you get the bruises, Jasper..." Matt asked quietly, his voice somber but soft. Jasper tensed up, pulling his hands away.

"Must have happened when they did it..." he whispered, stuttering on his words. Matt sighed and shook his head.

"Jas..." he said gently. Jasper turned his head, looking at Matt. "We know they're older than a few hours... what happened,"

"I-I can't," Jasper shook his head. "I-it'll heal, it's nothing really," he insisted, more tears falling. Karen sighed, her heart breaking.

"Is there someone at home hurting you..?" she asked quietly, trying to catch the boy's eye. Jasper flinched, catching his lip in his teeth.

"Y-ou can't tell anyone i-if someone knows h-he'll-" a sob cut through his sentence, his hand grabbing onto his side as his chest heaved. Matt got up and pulled Jasper into his chest as the boy's body shuttered under every sob. Jasper gripped onto him, sobbing into his body. He felt like he could breathe, finally being held like the kid he was. "I-I can't risk g-getting Lizzie hurt..." he whimpered, tears rolling down his cheeks and the bridge of his nose as they dripped onto Matt's arm. Matt held him close but not tightly. He wanted him to know if he wanted to pull away he could but Jasper stayed put for what seemed like hours till he almost fell asleep being held.

"We'll figure something out kid, I'm not gonna let anything like that happen to you again..." he whispered as he helped Jasper lay down and fall asleep.

Karen sniffled, wiping a few of her own tears that she shed. Seeing him like this broke her. "So what's the plan Matt..." she whispered, standing up and pulling the blankets over the small boy who nuzzled into the blankets subconsciously. 

Adopted by the Devil - Matt Murdock (BOOK ONE)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora