Chapter 22

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Caroline paced in her living room, her hair disheveled like the rest of her deminor. Quinn could only watch her.

Sophie stopped by the trailer after getting an alarm for it to find the place trashed and with no sign of anyone. The only thing out of place was Jasper's phone, the screen shattered and the broken piece left on the counter.

That's when they learned that Harrison was no longer in jail, his bail was met by someone anonymous.

Caroline called Matt and explained what her sister relayed back to her and he went to do what he could do and that left Caroline to her own morals, to pace and worry around her living room.

"Mom? Can you stop pacing please?" Quinn begged softly, the fire in the living room flickering as she played with her bracelets. Caroline stopped and looked over at her daughter. She seemed to break out of her worry and sat beside Quinn taking her hands and the fire stilled.

"They'll find him, okay?" she said softly, rubbing her knuckles as she spoke. "I," she exhaled. "I'm sorry I'm making you worry more but it feels like he's becoming more of a son to me and becoming more apart of our family," she explained. Quinn sighed shakily, nodding her head.

"It's not your fault mama that he left," she said, looking up at Caroline. "I know you're thinking that," she whispered. Caroline nodded, her bottom lip stuck between her teeth.

"I know." Caroline stated, her hands holding onto Quinn's. "Now, go to bed darling," she said softly before kissing her temple. Quinn released a breath and nodded. She pulled away from Caroline and walked upstairs.

She walked past Lizzie's bedroom and paused, the door opened a crack. She turned and poked her head in.

"Shit..." she mumbled, walking into the bedroom and finding the window wide open. She ran into her room and grabbed a jacket and her shoes, shoving her feet into their before running down the stairs. "Lizzie's gone. Her windows wide open." she stated, grabbing her phone off the counter. "I'll find her mom." she stated. Caroline snapped her head towards her and stood up quickly.

"What? No. No you're gonna stay here and I'll go out and find her." Caroline stated. Quinn shook her head.

"No." she stated. "You're going to stay here in case they find Jasper. I'll be fine mom, I can protect myself and you know that." she stated, alluding to something only they would know. Caroline murmured.

"What if they catch a trail." Caroline stated. "You know what she'll do." she insisted. The flames in the fireplace expanded, the flames rising and the logs crackling. Quinn's eyes caught the flame before she looked back at her.

"I know." she stated. "But I can't leave this alone. If she finds Harrison before we do, it could end bad. I can't let that happen to another sister," she explained before she swiftly left ther Carter household. Caroline let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed her face, tears falling.


Lizzie biked down the back allies of downtown, her tires splashing through the small puddles as she went. She knew of a few spots Harrison hung out when he wasnt plastered to their couch. Part of her missed it, the cramped trailer with the three of them but she knew it wasnt right.

He rarely hit her. He rarely got the chance because Jasper took them for her. She was older now, smarter. She could take a few now to get him out of trouble. She stopped at a crossroad and pulled out a small paper, unfolding it and looking at the address. She looked back up at the long single street infront of her and gulped, slipping the paper back into her pocket as she climbed back onto her bike and started biking to the end of the road, following the side of the large building that creeped up beside her.


Matt stood atop his office building, his suit strapped to his body like second skin. All he did was listen all around the city, listening to any clue of Jasper. He could feel the rage fueling through him. He should have made sure Harrison never got bail or that his bail was so high no one would dare to get him out. All he could do now was what he need behind closed doors and behind a Devilmask. He listened round every corner, every window and every door till he heard a mumbling, so quiet that he could barley hear it but it wasnt the mumbling that caught his attention, it was the muffled begging near by, a cry he recognized because he heard it before in his own arms; a cry he felt against his chest.

He snapped out of his hearing and jumped down from the ledge, walking to the stair way that lead down to his office. "Karen!" he called, turning and walking back to the ledge as he heard the clicking of Karen's heels. She appeared in the doorway with her brows furrowed. "Call Caroline and get to her house, I found Jasper." he stated.

"She just called, Lizzie's gone to find him and Quinn decided to follow her." Karen stated. "Matt I've got a bad feeling about tonight," she stated. Matt clenched his jaw and cursed under his breathe.

"Wait for my call or Sophie's, call her and tell her to get squardents to the end of the line on Columbia street." Matt explained.

"That's all the way in Brooklyn, you don't go out that far usually." Karen stated. "You care for him that much Matt?" she asked gently. Matt nodded.

"He doesnt deserve this like any kid, and if Lizzie is going to find him there she could end up in a worse situation. I can't have that happen. Caroline would kill me if I got them killed or hurt." he stated, now speaking of both the siblings and Quinn.

"Sounds like you two are divorced couple, you're sharing the kids." Karen stated, holding her anxiety in the back of her throat and in her chest.

"Tell them to write that when I adopt those kids," Matt stated before jumping off the roof and booking it through Hell's kitchen and towards Brooklyn. 

Adopted by the Devil - Matt Murdock (BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now