Chapter 12

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Trigger warning: domestic abuse, talk of sexual assault 

Jasper woke up the following day with Matt still with him, slumped over in the chair beside him dead asleep. He exhaled and slowly sat up. He turned and climbed out of bed. He winced as he sat fully, exhaling as he stood up on his feet. His clothes were gone, replaced with a new pair of shorts and a t-shirt with a small note.

"For the meantime" - Karen and Caroline.

Jasper smiled a bit and walked into the bathroom and got dressed slowly. He took his time, glancing slightly at himself in the mirror as he dressed fully. He traced his fingers over minor bruises on his hip bones, He gulped, his fingertips shaking as he moved past them and pulled his shorts on. "Jasper?" Jasper opened the door up slightly, holding his shirt.

"Just changing," he stated, looking over at Matt as he woke up. "I'll be out in a minute," he stated before closing the door. He pulled his shirt over his head and washed his face, the cold water stinging his skin. He sighed gently as he brushed his hair out of his face. He walked out and yawned quietly. "Morning," he said quietly, sitting down slowly. Matt turned his head and smiled gently.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked gently. Jasper shrugged then groaned slightly, rubbing his face.

"It was okay.." he mumbled, his face scrunching up from slight embarrassment. "I sometimes forget your blind" he muttered. Matt chuckled and nodded.

"You're not the only one," he stated, leaning back in his chair. "After you fell asleep Caroline came back," he stated. "You're cleared to head out but... they need your dad's signature..." he said hesitantly. Jasper sighed harshly, clenching his jaw.

"What's the plan...?" he asked hesitantly, his words coming out slowly. Matt sighed.

"Caroline's sister is a detective at the police station and works in domestic abuse cases. Quinn called her when she found you and she drove both of you here. Caroline told her about your sister and your situation and she called me last night when you were asleep," he explained. Jasper listened, unwrapping the small bandages on his hand and setting them down. "When your father comes, we'll follow you back to his place and make sure if something happens,"

"You mean when something happens," Jasper stated, grabbing his backpack off the ground. Matt exhaled and nodded.

"Yes, when something happens we'll catch him in the act and get you out of there," Matt finished explaining. Jasper gulped, pulling his phone out.

"What happens after, with DCFS?" he asked quietly. "They'll have us separated," he stated. Matt shook his head.

"I won't let that happen," he said gently. "Till we find a solution you two will stay with me," he stated.

Jasper furrowed his brows. "Wait really? We're not the easiest kids and it's not something you decide on a whim-"

"Jasper." Matt cut his rambling off. "I've thought about this for a little bit, I don't mind what comes with it, it'll be a learning curve for everyone but, a good one," he said gently. Jasper exhaled, a sense of relief easing him. Could he believe that Matt wanted to help? He believed so.

"Okay..." he said quietly. Matt smiled and nodded.

"Okay," he repeated.


Jasper followed Harrison out of the hospital, staying quiet as they made it out to the parking lot. He didn't see any sign of the police or Matt. He knew they were around him but that anxiety grew, that nervousness that no one was gonna stop him once they were alone.

He watched Harrison open up his beat-up chevy and as he huffed, put a cigarette out. "Get in the car," he muttered, climbing into the driver's seat. Jasper sighed shakily and got into the passenger seat and closed the door. The small car filled with cigarette smoke, driving out of the parking lot.

The whole drive Jasper was tense. He listened to how his father rambled on about how the hell he got into the hospital and how the fuck he was gonna pay for it. He was pissed, finishing and then starting a new cigarette in a chain. They pulled up to the trailer and Harrison parked the car with a jerk. Before Jasper could speak, Harrison's fist collided with his jaw, blood spraying on the window. Harrison climbed out of the driver's seat and stomped to the passenger side before yanking the door open and dragging Jasper out of it and into the trailer. Jasper was stunned, his feet stumbling on the ground before he was thrown onto it, the trailer door slamming behind them.

"How the hell am I gonna pay for all this? Pain medication? IV fluid? Tests? What fucking tests did they do!" he snapped, throwing his jacket on the couch. Jasper flinched, watching his father's movements as he felt blood spew from his mouth. He spat onto the carpet and hesitantly stood. "Well? Are you going to answer me or am I gonna have to call the doctor and find out why I'm paying over 30 thousand dollars!" Harrison screamed, getting up in Jasper's face. "Were you drinking was that it? Your breath smells of it," he scowled, grinding his teeth together as he waited for an answer. Jasper stayed silent, staring down at his shoes. "Where the fucks is your sister..." he huffed, pushing him back. Jasper huffed.

"Out. Obviously," he muttered, his face throbbing as he clenched his jaw. Harrison smacked him across the cheek and grabbed his face, gripping it tightly.

"Watch your fucking tone." he snapped, pushing him against the wall. Jasper breathed heavily, trembling in his grip. He struggled to keep the tears from spilling down his cheeks. "You're in enough trouble as is." he snarled, kneeing him in the gut. Jasper gasped and crumbled onto the ground.

"I-I was fucking drugged," Jasper whispered, glaring up at his father as tears fell. "I was assaulted too.. I-if you even care, " he shuttered, his lip quivering as he watched his father kneel down to his level. Harrison huffed and knocked Jasper's hair from his face, slapping him barely.

"You think I care? It happened before and you didn't cry wolf. What's the difference? Oh wait it's not your dear old dad," he snarled in his son's ear. Jasper felt his stomach turn. Harrison gripped Jaspers's hair and punched him, rolling the boy onto his back. Jasper cried out and pressed his hands against his father's shoulders as he climbed on top of him, wrapping his hands around his throat. Jasper shook his head as he clawed at his father's hands, police sirens echoing through the trailer park. 

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