Chapter 34

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2 weeks passed and Jasper settled into Matt's apartment. It was strange, to live in a place that was his. Matt gave up his room so he could have a private spot that was his. The thoughts of the video evidence stayed on his mind whenever he didn't focus on something directly in his mind. He wrote about it in his journal and tried bringing it up with therapy but he couldn't muster it up.

Jasper put together his bag for school, slipping out of Matt's path as they both got ready. It was weird for him to see Matt without his glasses, putting his things together as swiftly as he could.

Matt slipped his glasses on and smiled a tad. "Ready to head out?" he asked, pulling his bag over his shoulder. Jasper smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah ready to go."


Jasper walked towards English but went to his locker first to finally clean it out. It needed it. He crumpled a stack of paper in his hands and threw them away, suddenly flipping it off before he hopped over to English. His headphones blasted music in his ears, his head bobbing along as he shuffled through things. A hand tapped his shoulder. He jumped and spun around, Mel's face staring at his own.

"Jesus fuck," he muttered. Mel raised a brow.

"What are you doing?" She asked, a smile cracking.

"Locker, dirty," Jasper snorted a tad. He smiled a tad and nodded. "Can.. can we talk?" he asked hesitantly. Mel nodded her head.

"I got a hideout, follow me," she stated and lead him down the hall and then down into the school's basement. Jasper exhaled and pushed his hair from his face.

"Mel I just wanna say I'm sorry, I was a dick-" Mel spun around and sighed.

"It's okay Jas, just don't keep being a dick," She stated and smiled a bit. Jasper smiled and sat down with her, hidden amongst boxes and other storage. "How are you by the way?" she asked, looking up at him. Jasper exhaled and shrugged.

"Getting better..." he replied quietly. Mel leaned forward slightly, pulling her bag into her lap.

"With? There's a lot you've got on your plate," she stated, pulling out a bag of blunts and pulling one out.

"Where the hell did you get all that?" Jasper asked, chuckling a tad. Mel shrugged and snorted.

"My brother, he knows some guys and got a good deal," she simply stated. Mel lit the blunt and breathed in all the smoke before blowing it back into Jasper's face. Jasper chuckled and snatched the blunt from her. "Anyway, spill," she stated. Jasper exhaled, blowing smoke from his mouth.

"Every time I see... the guy who... who.." he sighed shakily, leaning his head back.

"Who assaulted you.." Mel finished this sentence. "You freeze up?" she asked gently. Jasper looked over at her and nodded his head.

"I can't breathe... it's like, it's like I'm back there," Jasper whispered. Mel nodded her head, taking his hand gently.

"I know exactly how you're feeling," she said softly. She exhaled and leaned against his shoulder. "My... assaulter graduated last year," she whispered. Jasper leaned his head against hers, squeezing her hand softly. "You'll get through it," she whispered. He stayed there in silence for a moment before smiling a bit.

"I think so.." he whispered. "There's... there's proof of what happened and I could get him into serious trouble I just..." he muttered.

"You don't know how you can face it fully and talk about it?" Mel asked, smoking and blowing out smoke. "You're scared that something worse will happen?" she asked. Jasper exhaled as he took the blunt.

"Yeah.." he whispered, looking over at her. "How are you so good at this?" he asked gently, taking her hand. Mel smiled, holding his hand back.

"I've been in therapy for a while. It rubs off on you," Mel said gently. Jasper smiled and leaned his head against her shoulder.


Jasper sat with Quinn outside of school, eating lunch as he talked about living with Matt. It was great.

"Have you heard of the gang group that's going around? Apparently Daredevil and Spiderman are trying to deal with them," Quinn stated, her mouth full of a sandwich. Jasper raised a brow, taking a bite of his apple.

"Seriously?" He asked, finishing his bite. Quinn nodded, pulling out her phone and showing him some footage. Jasper looked over and his eyes widened.

"Holy shit, that's the same group," Jasper stated. "The same crew my dad used to run with," he stated. "Where were they seen last?" he asked.

"No no don't you think about it!" Quinn exclaimed, grabbing her phone back from him. "Leave it to the vigilantes!" she stated.

"Well who said I can't, they fucked me up last time, I should at least try," Jasper stated, putting his things into his bag. Quinn shook her head, quickly putting her things away quickly as he started walking away.

"If you're going I'm going!" Quinn called after him, following him quickly as he left the school grounds.

"Quinn no this is my issue-"

"No, it's not!" Quinn exclaimed, running in front of him. "I saved you when Lizzie died, remember," she stated. "If you're doing this, I'm coming," she stated. Jasper sighed shakily, his body tensing up as he was brought back. She did get him lose, from the chains. He furrowed his brows.

"How... how did you undo those chains?" Jasper asked. Quinn gulped hard, clenching her jaw. "There, there were no bolt cutters," he pushed. She shook her head.

"It doesn't matter right now, come on," Quinn stated, dragging him down the street. 

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