Chapter 30

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Jasper made it home safely with the help of his friendly neighborhood spider man. He walked through the front door and sighed gently, Caroline's work things gone and some dinner ready on the stove. Quinn stood at the stove, bobbing her head along to music that blasted in her earbuds. He exhaled and put his things down before walking over to the island, pulling out a seat, and sitting. He waited till she noticed he was there.

Quinn wiggled her arms around, her mouth mumbling some of the lyrics till she spun around, an estranged squeak escaped her throat as she pulled her earbuds out. "Jesus fuck!" she yelled. Jasper's eyes widened, clenching his lips tight as he withheld a giggle.

"I've never heard you swear," he commented, dodging her earbuds as she chucked them at his head.

"You scared me asshat.." she mumbled, turning back to the food. Jasper sighed and pulled his hat off.

"Quinn I'm sorry I yelled..." he mumbled. Quinn huffed slightly.

"What was that? I couldnt hear you," she stated, turning slightly in his direction. Jasper exhaled.

"I'm sorry I yelled." He repeated, looking into her eyes. "I just, I don't need any help standing up again him," he stated. Quinn sighed and titled her head.

"Jasper, you can't get mad at someone when they want to help you," Quinn stated. "He was being an ass for no reason I wasnt just gonna let him continue," she stated.

"I don't need you help," Jasper stated, his hands pressing against the counter top as he stood up. "I never needed your help," he stated.

"You needed it when your dad got you." Quinn stated, her mouth in a hard line. "And I got you out," she stated. Jasper tensed up his thoughts drifting back to that moment, where his baby sister bled out on the cement floor. He furrowed his brows. "I know you don't want people to care but they do. I won't pry but I will stand up for you because, because you're like a brother to me, I'm not gonna let another sibling down," she admitted. Jasper looked towards her, his brows staying furrowed.

"You.. you had another sibling, before us?" Jasper asked. Quinn exhaled and hesitantly nodded.

"Still technically do but, we don't talk much anymore," she stated. "Our mom was, on a whole different level of abusive and things ended differently for both of us, I got out at 5 and she was stuck there till she was 13," she explained. "It's-"

"You dont have to go into it, if you dont want to," Jasper said gently. Quinn sighed gently and nodded her head.

"I want to, maybe a different night," she chuckled slightly. Jasper nodded his head. "But now you see why, I'm not gonna let you keep getting hurt," she said softly, walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his torso before hugging him tight. Jasper exhaled and hugged her back, resting his head on her head. What ever feelings that werent familial were completely gone, all that was left was, a feeling of home. "I know I'll never be Lizzie but I'm here," she whispered, feeling him slightly sway them.

"Okay," he said softly. He looked over at the stove and his eyes widened. "Shit Quinn the stove!"

"Fuck!" she screached and ran over to the soup that bubbled over, Jasper's uncontrollable laughing filling the house. 

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