The front gate is part way down the mountain, with several smaller buildings sitting on high plateaus. The road zigzags through the grounds, weaving between dozens of steep staircases. The road doesn't branch off at any point, and Sun leads them up every flight of stairs on the way to what Melody assumes is the throne room at the mountain's peak.

Everything is made of jade - the roads, the walls, the doors. Even the armor warn by the guards patrolling the grounds looks to be jade. Their spears are sharpened jades, on shafts carved out of jade. But every plate and blade shines in a different hue, contrasting with the solid, immovable walls of the castle.

Every wall is carved with elegant pictures, telling the story of the Pantheon. On one wall, a man sits on a throne above thousands of warriors, seeming to lead them into battle. On another is a woman sitting on a lotus, her face calm and beautiful. A third depicts four dragons gathered around a round table with a long piece of paper between them.

Two towers extend into the sky on either side of the palace, set on the level below it. They look like Li Jing's vase, each level ringed by a bright green pagoda. The palace itself, sitting at the very peak of the mountain, has four levels, with wide balconies circling each one. The first floor is the tallest, the roof hanging far over the edge of the walls. Even more guards line the stairs leading up the massive staircase, glaring at the group darkly when they pass.

Melody's legs burn by the time they climb the final steps. Oliver has already resorted to hovering, earning the angry stares of the guards. Emelia walks confidently next to him, showing no sign of exhaustion. Koji's shoulders are rolled forward, and when he climbs the last step, he doubles over himself, resting his hands on his knees. Marcus stomps along at the back, seemingly fueled by his burning rage.

The entrance is massive, with two jade doors that are easily twelve feet tall. A pair of guards stand at either side, their armor bulging with massive muscles. As the group approaches, they bow their heads, pressing their shoulders against the stone. They grunt with effort, sliding the giant doors open slowly. Sun strides up to them and throws the doors open effortlessly, sending the guards sprawling. The doors screech across the ground, leaving deep scratches on the tiled floor beyond.

As Sun waltzes into the throne room, Melody can't help but scan her new surroundings. Dozens of people line the hall, leaning on pillars of jade. Flames flicker on the walls, illuminating the chamber brilliantly. Where the guards outside felt like faceless soldiers, it's obvious that these are the best of the best, the true gods of the Taoist Pantheon. Almost everyone is wearing some sort of plated armor, with wide shoulder pads and thick helmets.

A long green carpet marks the path to a dais at the far side of the room. A pair of guards stand at the steps leading to the throne, but from the assembled gods, it's clear that they're only there as a formality. The throne itself looks like it's been carved from a giant piece of jade, with intricate designs etched directly into it. It has a high back with three prongs at the top. As she walks, Melody watches it change from bright green to dark, changing with every step. But it's not the chair that draws her eye the most; it's the man sitting in it.

The man looks to be middle-aged, wearing a green robe that seems to disappear into his throne. He sits with his head held high, looking down his nose at his new guests. Atop his head sits a thin golden circlet, with three gems set in the center: a ruby, a sapphire, and in the middle, a large jade.

The man's mouth is set in a frown that looks all too comfortable; like he's been scowling his whole life. His eyes are bright blue, cold like ice, with small wrinkles betraying his age. He has thick eyebrows, a pointed chin, and high cheekbones. His salt-and-pepper hair is pulled back into a thin ponytail. His hands lay over the ends of the armrests, his fingers twitching as they approach. His lip does the same when his eyes land on the Monkey King.

Pantheon Book 2: The Way of the TaoWhere stories live. Discover now