The Shinto

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        Hinata leads them to the largest of the five buildings - a blue house that's three stories tall and just as wide. The third floor has a balcony that hangs over the other two, which are dotted with so many windows that the whole structure might as well be made of glass. Melody peers through them curiously, but they just reflect the peaceful landscape around them. Hinata knocks on the door twice, then pushes it open, gesturing for them to go in. Koji steps in without question, and Melody cautiously follows.

The inside of the farmhouse looks like a stereotypical Japanese shrine. The walls are made of cloth stretched over a wooden frame, with intricate designs painted over them. The floors are hardwood and polished to a shine. As Hinata leads them through twisting corridors, more than once they pass open-air gardens and tranquility ponds. Oliver looks around in amazement, and Melody can't help but do the same. This is her first peek at Japanese culture, and it feels magical.

"In here," Hinata says, sliding one of the walls to the side. Melody blinks, realizing that it's actually a door. Koji steps in, and she follows close behind, trying not to gawk. The floor of the room is carpeted, except for a large fire pit set in the center of the room. Two people sit gathered around the pit, sitting on the edge of the floor. One is a muscular man with a scruffy beard and thick eyebrows. His jaw is wide while his nose is narrow. The other is a thin woman in a kimono, her hair braided over her shoulder fashionably. The man's opposite, she has thin features and a pointed chin.

"Koji!" The man says, jumping to his feet. He smiles wide, throwing his arms around him. Koji smiles and hugs the man back warmly.

"Sensei," Koji breathes happily. "It's good to see you."

"Good to see me? It's been a month, boy! I was beginning to think Orochi got you!" He replies, holding Koji at arm's length to look him up and down. "Looks like you're not missing anything important! Good boy!" He claps Koji on the shoulder affectionately, then turns to the rest of the group. "Who are they?"

"I-I'm Hermes," Oliver says, showing Caduceus as proof. "These two are Mel and Marcus."

"Greeks, huh?" The man grunts, rubbing his chin. "And what brings you here?"

"They say they're here to help," Hinata says, sliding the door closed as Marcus wanders in.

"Mel, Oliver, Marcus, this is Haruto, my sensei," Koji explains proudly. Haruto puffs up his chest, resting his hands on his hips.

"You might know me better as Susanoo. At least, for now!" He laughs and claps Koji's shoulder again. "I suppose that won't last much longer though, will it? Good for you, boy!"

"My name is Sana - my title is Kaya-no-Hime," The other woman says, bowing respectfully. "It's a pleasure to meet the newest Hermes. I'm so sorry for what happened to Patrick."

"We all were," Marcus grumbles, turning away. Melody feels her chest tighten at the regret in his voice.

"Sensei, what happened while I was away?" Koji says, knitting his eyebrows together. "What happened to Akari?"

"Your sister is fine," Haruto says with a sigh. He plops back into the pit, sitting on the edge comfortably. "Wish I could tell you more, but nobody's seen her since just after you left."

"Allow me to explain," Hinata says, gesturing to the pit for them to take a seat. Sana stands, pulling a few cushions from the corner of the room. "I'm sure you've all heard about the rebellion by now. A god from one of the other Pantheons - Loki - staged attacks on several of the other Pantheons to put us against each other."

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