Setting Sail

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        Melody glances around, chewing on her lip softly. It's definitely a bigger group than she was expecting. But to her surprise, almost the entire Shinto has gathered to see them off. Even more surprising is the fact that, even though Ra left sometime yesterday, Emelia is still here. She winces when her teeth dig into the still healing scab, and she switches sides without giving it much thought.

"Looks like everyone's here," Julien says when Koji and Akari appear from the furthest farmhouse. They walk briskly down the road, meeting the group beyond the front gate. The Shinto parts for them, and Koji dashes to the front.

"I-I'm glad I didn't miss you," he says, panting softly. He's obviously addressing the whole group, but it feels like he's talking to Melody directly. She shifts, glancing at the others. When none of them greet him, she speaks out of sheer awkwardness.

"It's not like we would have left without saying goodbye," she mutters. Akari skips past them, throwing her arms around Julien.

"We had some last-minute things to pack up," she explains with a smile. "But he should be good to go now."

"Where are you going?" Melody says curiously, noticing the backpack hanging off Koji's shoulder. He follows her gaze, his cheeks flushing.

"I figured you would have stayed around a bit longer now that Orochi is taken care of," Marcus adds. "You're a god now, right?" Koji takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly through his mouth before answering.

"I'm not accepting my godhood," he says, loud enough for the whole group to hear. Melody notices the sword strapped to his hip that looks suspiciously like the Grasscutter he got from Orochi. "Not until I get back."

"Why not? Where are you going?" Melody says again.

"The Shinto needs Susanoo right now. So, until I get back, my sensei will keep the title." Koji takes another deep breath, facing her head-on. He bows deeply, his back and arms stiff as a board. "And I want to go with you! If you'll have me!" He says quickly. Melody's face heats up, and she quickly grabs his shoulders, trying to make him stand up straight. But he doesn't move, keeping his head down.

"Koji, please stand up!" She squeaks as the assembled Kami start to chuckle. She pulls on his shoulder, but he shakes his head.

"I want to help fix things," he says, ignoring her efforts. "I didn't know things were this bad until you arrived, and now I can't ignore it! I know I won't be able to help in a fight, and I'm not the best at talking to people, but..." he trails off, apparently unable to think of a good reason for them to bring him. Emelia giggles, placing a hand on Melody's shoulder.

"I think you should just accept. I doubt you'll be able to change his mind," she whispers.

"I-I wasn't - I mean - Koji, please just stand up!" She begs. "Yes, you can come with us! So please stop bowing!" Koji quickly rights himself, smiling wide.


"We could use all the help we can get," Marcus says with a shrug. "And there's a lot more to do than fight and talk, trust me." Oliver nods silently from the back of the group, wearing one of his rare smiles.

"Looks like we're up to five," Emelia says, pressing her fists into her hips. "Or do I need to bow and ask to come along too?"

"Please don't," Melody whimpers, clapping her hands over her cheeks.

"Let's not waste any more time then," Julien interjects, rubbing his hands together. "Koji can warp himself, so we'll need four volunteers to help us get to the coast," He adds, addressing the crowd. "We're heading as far to the west as we can."

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