Chapter 20 - A Date?

Start from the beginning

You placed yours into your mouth and the cake pop erupted with flavour. "Wow, this is so good." You said, muffled.

Elizabeth understood though and smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

"Where to next?" You asked.

"There's a bookstore a little ways down. Would you like to go there?"

You nodded, still chewing on your cake pop.

As you and Elizabeth were walking, you could faintly see Gilthunder and two other men. Walking a little faster, you confirmed that the two men were Howzer and Griamore. You decided to call out to them and engage in some conversation.

"Hey, Gilthunder!" you called out, catching his attention. The three men stopped walking and waited for you and Elizabeth to reach them.

Elizabeth asked, "Hello, Gilthunder, Howzer, and Griamore. What are you doing here?"

Gilthunder replied, "Hello, Princess Elizabeth and Y/N. We were just taking a walk. What about you two?"

"Liz was showing me around Liones," you replied, finishing the last bite of your cake pop.

Griamore then asked, "Oh, really? Where are you headed next?"

"To the bookstore," you answered, a hint of excitement in your voice.

"Well, then I hope you two have fun," Griamore said with a smile. However, as you observed him closely, you noticed his nose appeared red. Curiosity piqued, you couldn't help but point it out. "What happened to your nose, Griamore?"

Griamore sighed and explained, "A cinder block fell on me out of nowhere."

Your eyes widened in shock. "Really? Wow... Was it loose?"

"Not that we know of," Griamore replied, rubbing his sore nose.

Feeling sympathetic, you expressed your apologies.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you, Griamore, but we must be going now. I hope your nose feels better." Elizabeth said, getting tired of the conversation as she gently took hold of your hand and began walking down the street. The three men watched as you two walked away before continuing on their own path. As you and Elizabeth strolled down the road, engaged in conversation, suddenly, a loud crash echoed behind you. Startled, you turned around to see a large cinder block hurtling toward you. In the split second before it could strike you, Elizabeth's quick reflexes kicked in, and she pulled you out of harm's way just in time. You stumbled back, heart pounding, as the cinder block crashed onto the pavement where you were standing moments ago. Grateful and slightly shaken, you looked at Elizabeth with wide eyes.

"Thank you, Elizabeth! You saved me," you exclaimed, still in shock.

Elizabeth's expression softened, and she squeezed your hand reassuringly. "I'll always protect you, Y/N. Let's be more careful as we continue." You nodded, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. With Elizabeth by your side, you resumed your journey, taking each step with heightened awareness and a deeper appreciation for her presence.

Turning a corner, the bookstore came into view. You hurried your footsteps a little, Elizabeth keeping up with your pace. Entering the store, your eyes widened at the sight of countless shelves filled with books of all sizes and genres. The amount of variety was overwhelming, in the best possible way.

You turned toward Elizabeth, excitement in your eyes. "Look at all these books! So many stories in one place!"

"I've never seen you so excited about something, Y/N." Elizabeth giggled, causing you to blush with embarrassment. "Where should we start first?"

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