Meeting Emma's Best Friend

Start from the beginning

"Jenna, this is my girlfriend, Y/n. Y/n, this is my best friend, Jenna." Emma introduces us to one another, I smile, watching Emma and then looking over at Jenna.

"Hey, it's really nice to meet you." I express to her, offering my hand but I notice her eyes glance between mines then hug me. I jump slightly and smile. Wrapping my arms protectively around her and rubbing her back.

"Hi." Jenna's voice mutters into my chest, we both pull away and I keep my warm smile on. "It's nice to meet you too, heard a lot about you." She expresses to me, looking into my eyes and not looking anywhere else.

"Good things I hope." I say, sarcastically. Hearing a small laugh from Emma and Jenna doesn't really say or do anything, she just stares me down and hums then moves around to her side of the bench.

"So, how have we all been?" Jenna asks, glancing over at us and I move toward the bench with her, resting my hand on the back of Emma's back and sitting down then holding her hand as she sits down.

"I don't know about you but I've been really well, I got a new role coming up in the UK and I'm super excited about it." Emma answers, looking over at me while I'm looking at her, my eyes glancing between hers. I notice her glance toward Jenna and I look over at Jenna, seeing her staring at me, patiently.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Fine, good. How are you?" I ask her, returning the question.

"I'm fine." She answers, nodding her head and shrugging lightly.

"You sure?" I ask, noticing Emma immediately look at me confused on why I asked. "S—Sorry, I just..." I glance over at Jenna and seeing her waiting for me to elaborate. "I just... I don't know, I feel like everyone is quick to be like 'Yeah, I'm fine' and not actually consider how they're feeling—" I immediately begin to shake my head, "But anyway, whatever, sorry. Ignore me." I say, taking the bag of food and beginning to hand Jenna her food that Emma got for her, then hand Emma her food and I set the bag down as I'm not exactly hungry.

"Thanks, Y/n." Jenna mutters, beginning to dig in.

"Oh, I didn't... Emma actually got the food." I answer, nodding my head lightly. Glancing over at Emma.

"Thanks, Em." Jenna thanks Em, looking over at her and they both glance at me then at one another, before she clears her throat and adjusts. "So, Y/n, what do you do?"

"I, uh, I'm a writer." I answer, sitting up a little bit and smiling. "I've got a book coming out soon—"

"—I know, I heard about it. Releasing in November 19th in the US and October 14th everywhere else." Jenna answers before I can, I look at her in surprise. "I did some digging on you."

"Oh, understandable." I answer, dismissing it. I knew if I was meeting my best friend's partner, I'd do some background digging, so, of course Jenna would. Especially since Emma's in the acting world and I heard in an interview that Jenna confessed she's never been so overprotective over someone, so, I definitely understand why she's done it.

"You're not creeped out?" Jenna asks me, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"No, why?" I ask, glancing at the bag and pulling out my water, taking a sip of my water.

"Well..." Jenna glances over at Emma then back over at me. "Normally people are creeped out that the fact your partner's best friend has done stalking on you."

"Oh... I just thought that was normal girl code." I confess, shyly, noticing Emma laugh and rub my back, kissing my head.

"She's just messing with you." Emma assures me, I look over at Jenna and I see her slowly smile but hide it, both of us secretly agreeing that she's not messing with me. Plus, who hasn't stalked their best friend's new partner to see what they've done and if they are suspicious? We're practically FBI Agents, just give us a minute and a laptop and we'll find everything out about them.

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