Who The Fuck Are You?|E.S

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You are Charlie's personal trainer. Ellie is rude and mean to you at first, until one day.

As you continued to cheer Charlie on during his exercise, you couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Being his personal trainer was not an easy task, especially considering his physical condition. But you were determined to help him make progress and improve his overall health.

"Come on, Charlie, only 30 more seconds," you encouraged him, your voice filled with enthusiasm. You knew that every second counted, and you wanted him to push through his limits.

"It is 30 seconds too long," Charlie joked, a playful glint in his eyes. You chuckled at his response, appreciating his sense of humor even in the midst of his physical struggles.

Suddenly, the door slammed open, causing both Charlie and you to turn your heads. A beautiful fiery-haired girl, who seemed to be around your age, stormed into the room. "Holy shit she's hot" you say to your self. You could sense her anger and frustration from the moment she entered.

"Hey, Ellie," Charlie greeted her, his voice filled with warmth.

But before Charlie could introduce you, Ellie's piercing gaze fell upon you, and her voice dripped with hostility. "Who the fuck are you?" she asked, her words laced with venom.

You were taken aback by her harsh tone, your mouth opening and closing in surprise. Charlie quickly intervened, introducing you as his personal trainer. "Y/n, this is my daughter Ellie, Ellie, this is Y/n, my personal trainer"

You tried your best to regain your composure, offering a polite smile in Ellie's direction.

Ellie rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed by your presence. "When are you going to finish my essay?" she demanded from Charlie, her tone still laced with impatience.

"I'll try to finish it soon," Charlie replied, his voice tinged with guilt. He seemed to understand the importance of his daughter's request, but his physical limitations made it difficult for him to meet her expectations.

"Well, try faster!" She snapped, stomping off towards one of the bedrooms. As she left, her gaze lingered on you, her eyes examining you from head to toe.

You couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, you understood Ellie's frustration and desire for her father's attention. On the other hand, her hostility towards you was unwarranted. And she was very attractive, like really hot, that ginger hair, and her blue eyes. 'Calm yourself y/n' you mentally say. Nonetheless, you were determined to prove yourself and gain her acceptance.

Ellie's Pov

As I burst into the room, my frustration and impatience consuming me, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger towards the stranger standing beside my father. Who was she to be here, invading our space?

"Who the fuck are you?" Ellie spat, her anger seeping through her words.

The girl seemed taken aback by my hostility, her mouth opening and closing in surprise.

My father quickly introduced her as Y/n, his personal trainer. I rolled my eyes, unimpressed by her presence. What use was a personal trainer if my father couldn't even finish my essay on time?

"When are you going to finish my essay?" Ellie demanded, her impatience getting the best of her.

"I'll try and finish it soon" Charlie's guilt was evident in his voice as he promised to finish it soon.

"Well, try faster!" Ellie snapped, storming off towards a bedroom. But before she left, she couldn't help but examine you. There was something about you that intrigued her, something that made her question her initial judgment.

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