Panic Attack At Night|S.S

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You have a panic attack at night. Sadie comforts you.

You woke up suddenly, feeling a wave of unease wash over you. It was 4 am, and the darkness of the night seemed to amplify the anxiety that had been lurking in the corners of your mind. You lay in bed, trying to calm yourself down, but the tightness in your chest and the cloudy feeling in your head only grew stronger.

You knew Sadie was sleeping peacefully beside you, and you didn't want to disturb her. She had been your rock, your anchor through the storm of your anxiety. But tonight, it felt like the storm was winning. Your breathing exercises, which had brought you solace in the past, failed to provide any relief. You needed something more.

You slowly got out of bed, the coolness of the floor beneath your feet grounding me momentarily. Your heart pounded in your chest as you made your way to the bathroom. You closed the door behind you, wanting to be alone with your thoughts.

Tears streamed down your face as you undressed, your trembling hands struggling with the buttons. You turned the shower on, letting the cold water cascade over you. The shock of the icy droplets hitting your skin jolted you out of your anxious haze, but the pain was bearable compared to what you were feeling inside.

You sank to the shower floor, the water drenching your hair and cascading down your body. The sound of your sobs mingled with the steady rhythm of the falling water. It felt like the only release you could find in that moment. You let yourself cry, allowing the pain to wash away with each tear that fell.

Sadie stirred in bed, her sleep interrupted by a feeling of emptiness beside her. Sadie's eyes fluttered open, and she immediately noticed that you were missing. Panic surged through her as she sat up, her heart pounding in her chest. Sadie quickly scanned the room, her eyes landing on the closed bathroom door.

Sadie got out of bed, her feet carrying her towards the source of the sobbing she could hear. The sound broke her heart, and she knew she had to be there for you. Sadie reached the bathroom door and gently pressed her ear against it, confirming that it was indeed you crying.

Without hesitation, Sadie turned the doorknob and stepped inside. The sight before her was heartbreaking. You sat on the shower floor, your body shivering under the cold water. Your tears mixed with the droplets that fell from your face.

Sadie rushed to your side, sinking down beside you. Sadie wrapped her arms around your trembling form, pulling you closer to her. The water soaked through Sadie's clothes, but she didn't care. All that mattered was comforting you, letting you know you weren't alone.

"Y/n," Sadie whispered, her voice filled with love and concern. "I'm here. You're not alone. We'll get through this together."

You clung to Sadie, your sobs gradually subsiding as you found solace in Sadie's embrace. You both stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, the water continuing to pour over you both. Eventually Sadie started shivering from the water.

"I'm sorry" you manage to say. "You have nothing to be sorry about" "I- I don't know why my anxiety has come back" "let's talk about this when we're dry and warm. Okay?" Sadie says lovingly. You nod and Sadie helps you stand up. She turns off the water and gets you both towels. She wraps a towel around your shivering body walking you back into the room. "Sit here and I'll get comfy clothes for us" Sadie says kissing your forehead.

You sit at the end of the bed. You hold the towel tighter against yourself hanging your head low. Sadie opens a drawer and gets comfortable sweat pants and one of her hoodies for you, for herself she gets a dry oversized shirt and underwear.

"Dry off your body so I can help you put these on." You look up at her and Sadie sees what you are saying in your eyes. She takes your towel off of your body, she helps you stand up. She gently dries your body for you. She helps you get your clothes on and puts on her own.

"Come here." Sadie says softly holding your hand and taking you to bed. You both lay and you cuddle into her. Tears start falling and Sadie hugs you tight. "I hate being anxious" you cry. This hurts Sadie's heart and she starts tearing up. She sniffles "I know, but I promise you won't always be anxious. When you are I will be there with you, making sure you're okay"

Sadie gives you a loving kiss and wipes your tears with her thumbs. "It's okay" Sadie whispers. You nod. You grab her hand playing with her fingers. Sadie smiles at you. She brings her free hand up to your face rubbing it. She knows your most ticklish spot is your legs so she sits up. "What are you doing?" You ask confused.

Sadie grins slowly and starts tickling your legs. You start laughing "Sades stop!" You giggle. Your anxiety is no longer running through your head. "mmmm. No, I'll continue tickling you"

"Sadie I can't breathe!" You laugh. Sadie laughs with you. She stops and hovers on top of you. You look into her eyes. She leans down and kisses you. You kiss back. She pulls away and lays down next to you holding you into her. "I told you, you wouldn't be anxious all of the time." Sadie smiles.

"Thank you." You say "I love you so much. I love that you're always there for me" "Always, I love you too, so much" You shove your face into her neck and she holds you tightly, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. You both slowly fall asleep.

A/n me at 4am last night minus the shower part.

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