She's So Hot|S.S

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As you stepped into the boxing ring, your heart raced with anticipation. This was your favorite part of training, the sparring sessions.

Y/n's Pov

The adrenaline pumping through my veins, the sweat dripping down my face, it was a feeling like no other. My coach, a tough and experienced boxer, stood at the corner of the ring, observing my every move.

"Keep your guard up, Y/n," Coach shouted, his voice barely audible over the sound of gloves hitting gloves. "Don't forget to pivot your feet when you throw that hook!"

I nodded, focusing on my opponent. We danced around each other, exchanging punches and dodging blows. The gym was filled with the rhythmic sound of gloves connecting, the grunts of exertion, and the cheers from fellow boxers. It was my sanctuary, my escape from the outside world.

Little did I know that my regular training session was about to take an unexpected turn.

As Sadie and her best friend Rose and others entered the gym, she couldn't help but notice the buzz of energy in the air. The sound of gloves hitting the punching bags and the sight of sweat-drenched bodies working hard caught her attention. She loved the rawness and determination that filled the atmosphere.

Sadie's gaze was instantly drawn to the boxing ring, where a girl with fierce determination sparred with her opponent. The girl's powerful punches and agile footwork left Sadie in awe. Y/n's coach took off her head gear off and her mouth piece out. The coach poured water on y/n and she shook it out. Sadie couldn't help but blurt out her admiration, unaware that her friends were right behind her.

Sadie's Pov

"She's so hot," I exclaimed, my voice louder than intended.

All eyes turned towards Sadie, including the girl in the boxing ring. Embarrassment flushed her cheeks as Rose playfully teased her. But Sadie's attention was quickly diverted when she noticed the girl walking towards them.

Y/n's Pov

As I approached the group of girls and guys, I couldn't help but notice the starstruck expression on the readhead's face. It was a look I had seen many times before, but it still caught me off guard.

You introduced yourself, trying to make small talk and tell them about the gym, but Sadie seemed lost in her own world.

I watched as her friend elbowed her, bringing her back to reality. Sadie blushed, realizing she had been staring the whole time. It was an endearing sight, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm Y/n," I said with a warm smile. "I was telling you and your friends about the gym, but you were just staring at me the whole time."

Sadie's Pov

"Oh!" I exclaimed, my cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. I felt utterly embarrassed for being so caught up in my thoughts. "I'm sorry, I got lost for a moment there." Rose snorted, clearly amused by Sadie's flustered state.
I glared at Rose trying to regain my composure.

Y/n's laughter filled the air, and Sadie couldn't help but find it infectious. She admired the girl's easygoing nature and confidence. It was refreshing.

"I'm Sadie," I finally managed to say, my voice slightly shaky. "And this is Rose and our friends."

"I'm sorry for staring," I apologized again, my eyes meeting Y/n's. "You're just... really impressive."

A smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you listened to Sadie's sincere compliment.

Y/n's Pov

Her words made me feel seen, appreciated. There was something about her genuine admiration that made my heart skip a beat.

"Well, thank you, Sadie," I replied, my voice filled with gratitude. "I appreciate that."

As our eyes locked, I couldn't help but feel a spark of connection between us. It was as if the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us standing there.

Sadie's Pov

I couldn't tear my gaze away from Y/n.

There was something about the girl's captivating presence that drew her in. She found herself wanting to know more about Y/n, to be a part of her world.

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