Panic Attack|S.S

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You have a panic attack during an interview with the stranger things cast.

Your heart raced as you sat among your fellow Stranger Things cast members, preparing for a group interview. Your health anxiety had been acting up lately, causing you to constantly worry about your well-being. Sadie Sink, your loving girlfriend, always did her best to support and protect you, but sometimes, even Sadie's presence wasn't enough to calm your racing thoughts.

As the interview began, You tried your  best to focus on the questions being asked, but your anxiety had other plans.
"Y/n how was it like working on Stranger Things?" the interviewer's voice is muffled. "Y/n" Sadie spoke "Huh?" You snapped out of it "How was it like working on Stranger Things?" The interviewer repeated. "It was amazing, I had a really fun time with the whole cast." You answer

Your knee started bouncing involuntarily, a physical manifestation of your inner turmoil. Finn, who was sitting next to you, noticed your distress and immediately became concerned. "You okay?" he whispered, his voice filled with genuine worry.

"Yeah" you nodded, trying to hide your unease, but your body betrayed you. Your knee bounced faster, your breathing becoming shallow and rapid. Sadie, who sat on your other side, sensed your distress and gently took your hand, offering a comforting touch, softly rubbing her thumb across your knuckles. The rest of the cast couldn't help but notice the sudden change in your demeanor, and concern filled their eyes.

Joe, always the caring and nurturing one, the mom, spoke up. "Can we pause the interview for a moment?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine concern. The interviewer, sensing the urgency, agreed, and they all quickly moved to a more private area.

Your panic attack was beginning to take hold, making you feel like you couldn't breathe. Tears streamed down your face as you struggled to regain control.

"Y/n, breathe," Sadie whispered, her voice filled with love and concern. "I can't," you choked out, your voice barely audible. The rest of the cast gathered around, offering their support and encouragement. "Yes, you can," Maya reassured you. "Just take slow, deep breaths. In and out, okay?"

You followed Maya's guidance, attempting to regulate your breathing. Each cast member took turns offering their own words of comfort and understanding. Finn, who had experienced panic attacks himself, empathized with your struggle. "I know how it feels," he said softly. "Just focus on your breathing, in and out, slowly."

As you continued to breathe deeply, the panic attack slowly began to subside. You sat on the floor, holding your knees close to your chest, tears still streaming down your face. Sadie wrapped her arms around you, providing a warm and comforting embrace. The rest of the cast watched on, feeling a mixture of sadness and helplessness.

"I'm so sorry," you managed to say between sobs, your voice trembling. "You don't have to apologize," Joseph said kindly. "We're here for you, no matter what." The rest of the cast nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with love and support.
"Can we skip interviews for today?" You asked with a shaky voice. "Yes let us just inform our managers" Natalia speaks up. "Can we go home Sadie?" "Yeah of course" She helps you stand up. You hold on to her and the cast wishes you well. "Feel better Y/n" Caleb says. "Yeah feel better" Gaten speaks

You guys arrive home and are now cuddling in your room. You start crying again. "What's wrong honey?" Sadie says "I am just so embarrassed" you say through your sobs. Sadie sat up "There is nothing to be embarrassed about." Sadie says sternly. "Anxiety is a normal thing, panic attacks come with it." You start to calm down "Thank you" Sadie lays back down and holds you.

She kisses all over your face to make you giggle. She then stars tickling you. "Sadieee! Stoppp!!!" You laugh "There's that beautiful smile that I love so much." Sadie says making you blush. You quickly kiss her and you both cuddle even more into each other and fall asleep.

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