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G!p Max
This is a request a little similar to the Sadie one.

You and Max are having dinner at a restaurant that's in the mall. A guy flirts with you and you're oblivious. Max teaches you a lesson.

You are sitting on your couch looking beautiful waiting for Max to arrive. You hear a knock on your door, you know it's Max and you take a deep breath hoping she likes your look. You open the door.

"Hey baby!" Max says "Hi honey" you say. "You look gorgeous" Max says biting her lip "Thank you" you blush "and you look hot" you say. Max walks closer to you and grabs your hips pulling you into a kiss. She pulls away. "Ready for dinner my love?" Max asks. You nod smiling. She grabs your hand and leads you to her car. She opens your door and you smile at her. You sit in the car and she closes the door going to her side.
Small time skip to them being on the road.

Max looks over at you for a split second and smiles taking your hand in hers intertwining your fingers. You smile and lean in for a kiss. Max kisses you and looks back at the road. (I'm surprised they didn't crash).

Small time skip to them being at the mall.

You and Max are walking through the mall to get to the restaurant. Once you both find it a waiter gets you both a table. You both sit down. "What would you like to drink ladies?" "I'll just have water" you say "Same" Max says. The waiter leaves to get your waters. "I know we just got here, but how do you like it?" Max asks "I love it and I love you" you both smile at each other. The waiter comes back "Here is your water. And have you decided on what you will be eating?" You answer first "salmon and mashed potatoes please" "I'll have pasta please." Max says The waiter leaves.

"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be right honey" Max kisses your cheek. "Okay" you smile sweetly. Max walks to the bathroom and you just sip on your water while waiting for her.

Out of the corner of your eye you see someone walking towards you. "Hello pretty lady" "Hello" you say. "I just wanted to come over here and tell you that you are absolutely gorgeous" "Oh, thank you!" You say being an absolute oblivious dumbass to the fact that he's being creepy. "My name's Mark" (💀) "and what are you doing here all alone?" "Oh, I'm not alone I'm having dinner with my gir-" Max interrupts you "Her girlfriend" She says sternly

"Now I want you to walk away from this table before you regret ever leaving your house" Max says glaring at him. He widens his eyes and runs out of the restaurant.

Max looks at you with an angry look on her face. "You are so going to learn your lesson." She grabs your hand. "What did I do?" "And what about my food?" You ask confused. "We're going home and then I will speak to you"

You both are out of the mall and in the car. Max is driving to your house. "I don't understand what's going on" you say honestly a little hurt. Max doesn't respond. She arrives at your house, she gets out of the car and opens your door. You get out and she speed walks to your front door. You both walk in and you are still so confused.

"What did I do?" You ask again "That man in there was flirting with you and you didn't even tell him to go away and that you had a girlfriend until he asked why you were alone" Max says with a firm tone. You being an idiot say "No he wasn't. He was just being nice" Max just grabs your hand taking you upstairs.

She opens your bedroom door and you both walk in the room. "Take off your clothes" Max says "Why?" Max squints her eyes. "Just do it" "okay" you say innocently. You start taking your clothes off and just stand there waiting for Max's next instruction. "Lay down on the bed and wait for me" Max says. You lay down while Max goes into the bathroom.

Max walks out naked with a condom in her hand. You gulp and your cheeks flush red. "I am going to deny every one of your orgasms until you realize that , that guy was flirting with you" Max says. She gets onto the bed hovering over you. She sets the condom aside.

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