𝑰 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖|S.S

444 11 3

"Sadie don't you think you and y/n should get cleaned up while I get comfy clothes on and watch TV when you two are alone?" Rose smirks.

"Um, yeah let's go" Sadie takes your hand and walks into the house, Rose following and going to her room. (Rose lives with Sadie).

"The bathroom is this way" Sadie says taking you to it. When you both get into the bathroom, it has enough space for both of you. Sadie takes her shirt off revealing her bra.

You open and close your mouth turning around, taking your own shirt off. Both of you are soaking wet. 😏. From the pool obviously.

Sadie wipes off her messy make up and dries her face. She turns around "sit here." You turn back around, blushing still seeing she has no shirt on. You sit on the counter. Sadie takes out supplies to clean all of your cuts.

She starts cleaning them and you are basically holding your breath trying not to look at her chest and face. In Sadie's mind, she's panicking being this close to your face.

She bandages all of the cuts. Once she gets to the cut on your lip, everything goes completely silent. Not that it wasn't before, but it's dead silent.

Sadie, unable to bear the tension any longer, took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak. "Y/n, I need to tell you something," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. You looked up, your eyes meeting. Sadie continued, her voice filled with vulnerability, "When I was giving you CPR, I confessed a lot of things.

Your heart skipped a beat as Sadie's word hung in the air. Your mind raced, trying to figure out what Sadie could have possibly realized. "I was telling you that I had thoughts about your feelings for me."

"I also said when I was with Jake I had some happy moments." Sadie says. Your heart sinks. "But, it didn't feel right, and I didn't feel like myself." "I told you that I love you. That I need you and please don't die on me. That I was sorry it took this to happen for me to realize you're the one I want. That you're the one I love. I told you to please wake up."

"After that you woke up."

Sadie looks up at you. You're in total shock at all of the events that took place today. "I understand if you don't feel like that for me anymore. I took too long to realize that I love you too and I'm sorry for hurting you so mu-" you cut Sadie off grabbing her face and kissing her face.

Sadie immediately kisses back and holds your neck, her thumbs caressing it.

It's a very soft yet passionate kiss, releasing all of the feelings from the past three months.

You get off the counter still kissing her, just so you're comfortable.

You lightly push her into the door. Both of you are breathing out and it's the only sound heard in the room.

You peck Sadie's lips and then kiss above her top lip, ending the kiss. You lay your forehead on hers, placing small soft kisses on her cheeks.

Both of you open your eyes at the same time. You both smile and giggle happily. "I've waited so long for this" you say "I know and I'm sorry for making you wait so long" Sadie says with guilt. "I'll wait as long as it's you I'm waiting for" You say.

Sadie pulls you in for another kiss, this time not moving your lips. You pull away "can we get comfy clothes on now?" "Oh, right" Sadie said going to her bedroom with you

"That's why I fell in love with you" you say. When you both walk into her room Sadie turns "what?" "That's why I fell in love with you. Your personality and quirks are amazing." Sadie smiles and kisses your forehead. "What do you want to wear?" She asks you while opening her closet. "One of your hoodies and pajama shorts" you say looking down.

"You've wanted to wear my hoodies for a while, haven't you?" Sadie smiles. "Yes" you nod and look at Sadie smiling. She hands you the clothes, you take off your bra and pants. Sadie widens her eyes and immediately turns. She takes off her own bra and pants putting an oversized shirt on with just underwear.

"You can turn around now" you giggle

Sadie turns around and you walk over to her taking her hands in yours "Before we go down stairs, I wanted to ask you a question" you say staring up at Sadie. "Okay" Sadie says lowly. "Will you make me the happiest girl in the world and be my girlfriend?" You ask smiling "Of course." Sadie giggles at the way you asked her.

Your smile widens and your arms go around Sadie's neck pulling her in for a kiss. Sadie's arms go around your waist and she pulls your body closer. "Shall we go downstairs now?" You say pulling away. "We shall" Sadie smiles and takes your hand leading you out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

When you both approach the living room, Rose is on the couch watching TV. "Hey Rose" Sadie says. Rose turns her head "Heyyyy" she says looking down at your hands. "Also y/n, your face looks like it hurts" Rose winces at the gashes covered with bandaids and all of the bruises.

Her heart sinks when she sees bruise hand marks on Sadie's neck.

You follow her gaze "Oh my God, Sadie your neck is all bruised up. Are you hurting?" You ask softly touching the bruising. "Yeah I'm ok, just hurts when being pressed on" You breath out a sigh of relief.

"Okay let's watch a movie" you say. "Wait" Rose says when you both sit on the couch next to her. "What?" Sadie asks. "Are you two together yet? Officially." She asks

You and Sadie look at each other then look back at Rose. "Yes" Sadie says. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Rose screams and jumps up and down. She smacks your arm a couple of times out of excitement. Yours and Sadie's eyes widen and can't help but laugh.

"Finally!" Rose says. "God I love you both so much" she says and hugs you both tightly. "We love you too" you say. "Okay let's watch that movie" Rose says calming down.

"I love you" you say and look at Sadie. "𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖" . Sadie says smiling at you and kisses your forehead.

Sadie Sink imagines 🩷Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora