Teaching You A Lesson|S.S

817 16 10

G!p Sadie
This is a request

Your friend Alex (I made her up) comes over. Sadie doesn't like how flirty she gets with you, so when you both go to bed she teaches you who you belong to ;)

You're in the kitchen making some food. Sadie comes walks up to you and hugs you from behind. "Hey baby, what you making?" She lays her head on your shoulder. "You're favorite vegan dish" you say smiling. Sadie kisses your cheek. "Thank you!" "What are we doing today?' "My friend Alex is coming over" you say. "Oh ok." Sadie softly kisses your neck and shoulder.

"I'll let you finish cooking" Sadie turns you around and pecks your lips. "I love you" you smile "I love you too" Sadie says. She walks into the living room and puts something on TV. You continue cooking dinner until your doorbell rings. "Sadie, I think that's Alex" you didn't have to yell since the kitchen is connected to the living room. "Can you open the door for me please?" "Yeah, sure babe"

Sadie gets up and opens the door. "Hi! You're Sadie right?" Alex asks "Yeah I am. Come in Y/n is just finishing dinner right now." "Okay, cool." Alex says  Sadie watches Alex walk into the kitchen. "Hey y/n!!!!" She says a little too excitedly. She runs up to you and hugs you. Sadie gets a little upset. "Hey Alex" you hug her back. You feel her hands go to your lower back.

You furrow your eyebrows and pull away from the hug. "I'm glad you're here" you smile awkwardly. "Sadie, baby come help me finish dinner please." You emphasize the word baby. "Yeah sure honey." Sadie smiles.  Alex walks into the living sitting on the couch. 

"Come here in front of me" you say. Sadie does just that. You pick up the knife you were using to chop some vegetables. You grab one of her hands and have her hold the knife. You then hold her hand again and cut the veggies with her.

You pucker your lips and Sadie turns her head just enough to kiss you. "I love you" "I love you too." You say

Little did you both know, Alex is making fists and is fuming.

You both drop some vegetables in some water to boil. The water splashes on the both of you and you both laugh. You grab Sadie's hips and pull her into a kiss. Alex is watching.

Sadie opens her eyes and smirks at her while still kissing you. Sadie flips her off and grabs your ass which makes you moan. You pull back "Sadie. We have company" you say. Alex interrupts the sweet moment. "Is dinner done yet?"

"Almost, you can sit at the table." Alex sits down.

Time skip to dinner being done.

You and Sadie sit down with your plates. Sadie sips on her drink. "So, how have you been?" Alex asks you "Amazing" you smile at Sadie and hold her hand. Alex subtly rolls her eyes and Sadie sees it. She kisses your neck.

You all continue eating. "Y/n you have something on your lip" Alex says "Oh" you say and grab and a napkin. "No, I got it" she takes the napkin from you and wipes your lip. Alex smirks at Sadie without you seeing.

Sadie glares at her. You are so confused as to why Alex is being really weird. "Thanks" you fake smile. You all finish eating. Sadie looks at you with furrowed eyebrows.

"Let's go watch a movie" Sadie says. All of you walk into the living room and sit down on the couch. Sadie grabs the remote and pulls you close with her free hand. You lay your head against her. Sadie finds a movie and puts it on. Alex is sitting on the other side of you. It's a horror movie. You and Sadie don't like them but you still watch horror movies anyway.

"AHHHH!" You scream at a jumpscare. Sadie's heart is pounding and you both hold each other tightly. Another one happens and Alex pretends to be scared and holds onto your arm. You move away from her and get closer to Sadie. Sadie grabs Alex's hand and squeezes it as hard as she can. Alex tries hard not to make a sound at the pain.

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