In Love|M.M

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You are Steve's sister and are in love with Max. El doesn't have powers and the upside down doesn't exist.

Y/n's Pov

It was a typical morning in 1986, and as the sunlight streamed through your window. The sound of your brother Steve's voice echoed through your room, jolting you awake. "Get up!" he shouted, his voice filled with annoyance. You groaned and slowly dragged yourself out of bed, your mind still clouded with sleep.

"Get dressed," Steve commanded before leaving your room in a hurry. You sighed and glanced at the clock, realizing that you was running late. You quickly threw on some clothes and rushed to the bathroom to brush your teeth. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, your thoughts drifted to Max Mayfield, the girl who had captured your heart.

Today was the day you would see her, and the anticipation made your heart race. You couldn't help but smile as you imagined her beautiful face and the way her laughter filled the air. With a newfound energy, you finished getting ready and hurried downstairs.

"You're going to be late," Steve reminded you, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Irritated, you snapped back, "Oh my fucking God, you just won't shut up, will you?" Steve raised his hands in defense, knowing he had pushed your buttons too far.

You both wordlessly made your way to the car, and he dropped you off at school. When you got out of the car Steve yelled "Don't drool over Max today!" You flipped him off and walked into the hallways of the school.

Your eyes scanned the crowd for Max. Your heart sank when you didn't see her, but you didn't give up hope. You greeted the party, hoping they might have some information about Max's whereabouts.

"Hey guys," you greeted them with a smile, trying to hide your disappointment. They returned your greeting with warm smiles and friendly hellos. "Where's Max?" You asked, unable to hide the longing in your  voice.

"Behind you," Max's soft voice whispered in your ear, causing you to jump in surprise. "Holy shit!" You exclaimed, your heart racing. "Max, you scared me!"

Max's Pov

I couldn't help but giggle as I watched Y/n's startled reaction. It was always amusing to catch her off guard, and today was no exception. Y/n had been on my mind ever since we met, and I couldn't wait to see her every day. Her smile and genuine kindness made my heart flutter.

"Sorry for scaring you," Max said, trying to hide her own nerves. "I just couldn't resist." "I'm glad you're here" you say. The boys smirk at Max. Her eyes widen, and then gives them the death stare. You are just confused. "Come on let's go to class." Max grabs your hand drags you through the hallway. She turns around without you noticing and flips the boys off. El just stands there not knowing what's going on.

Max finally arrives at the classroom with you. Your seats are next to eachothers. You both sit down waiting for the teacher to start. "So how was your weekend?" Max asks "It was good. But it would've been better if you were with me." You say and Max blushes. "Same here." "Miss Mayfield!" the teacher yells startling you guys. "Why are you speaking while I'm teaching?"

Max gets confused and you speak up "You weren't even ready when we started talking." "Y/n don't get involved" he says "No, she didn't do anything wrong." "Do you want to be sent to the principal's office with Max?" "What?!" Max yells "Then stop speaking during class" he says. You and Max share irritated glances. "Asshole" Max whispers. You guys then continue paying attention to the lesson.

Class ends and you guys go your separate ways since the next class you don't have together. "Bye y/n/n" Max waves "See you later Maxipad." You joke around. Max playfully flips you off.

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