The tale of The Immortal Chapter 20

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Disasters are approaching

(Weiss pov)

Winter and I were in a small open area of Beacon drinking tea. And talking about things involving my combat skills.

Weiss: I'm getting better and better with my glyphs. Summoning is the only thing I'm not managing to do, no matter how much I train.

Winter: You have to train. The more you train, the better you'll get.

Weiss: I've tried, it's no use.

Winter: (y/n), you think he's never trained at least the basics of his powers.

Weiss: Wait. How do you know that?!

Winter: Ozpin told me, it's amazing that a child can actually be so powerful. Don't you think you should use him as an example for some things?

Weiss: He's very strong indeed. He's been through a lot. His Villa. It was totally destroyed, with no survivors.

Winter was speechless, she was very saddened by what she had discovered.

Winter: Weiss, you've always had a soft spot for children and cute things. Think of the joy of having him around, use that to be strong and make an invocation, and protect him. Protect those you care about. 

Winter made a glyph in the palm of his hand, a strong light blinded me and when I opened my eyes there was a figure similar to a grimm but it was white with some blue details.

Winter made a glyph in the palm of his hand, a strong light blinded me and when I opened my eyes there was a figure similar to a grimm but it was white with some blue details

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(Y/n) Pov

*Team RWBY's dorm*

Ruby: You will never defeat me old Man.

Qrow: You are nothing but talk kid.

Yang: You can do it ruby.

(Y/n): Come on Ruby, you can beat him, he's drunk.


Player 1 WIN

When we got back to the RWBY team room, Qrow was there. He seemed like a really nice guy. He then introduced himself to me and we started playing a fighting game. Yang pushed Ruby out of the way and sat down next to him to continue the game, I was sitting on Weiss's bed and watching them play.

Ruby: You still haven't said what you're doing here. Did you get into trouble with Ozpin?

Qrow: Nah, me and them go way back. It won't affect us.

Yang: That's right, loooooong time friends.

Qrow: That's not fair, they keep calling me old when the oldest is the boy over there.

The three of us were stunned. Ruby and Yang tried to pretend they didn't know what he was talking about, but he paid no attention. He just laughed at the situation.

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