44: Marigolds and Roses

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," she smiled. "You as well," she added, noting my lavender dress that Clara helped me to pick out.

"The girls are coordinating," I smiled, noticing the contrasting floral dresses that both girls wore, with Clara in her yellow daisy dress and Sofia in baby blue.

"Where's Cora?" Arizona asked.

"Oh, she was babysitting the triplets this morning so she decided to just get ready over there and head over with the King-Friedmans," I replied.

"Aw, that's sweet. She's a good kid," she answered.

"She definitely is. I'm actually getting the process started on her adoption papers," I said, lowering my voice on the last part so that Clara wouldn't hear just yet.

"Really!" She smiled.

"Yeah, she's a member of the family."

"Oh for sure," she added.

"Are your vows ready?" I asked.

"They better be," Amy chimed in. "I'm getting sick of playing Callie! I want someone to read their own vows to me," she sighed dramatically.

"Hey, Alex is coming right," I inquired.

"Yea," she blushed.

"Then keep your focus," I smiled. "You never know where that will land you."

"Fingers crossed!"

Clara POV:

About an hour later, Mom and I had traveled out to the garden and taken our seats to wait for the ceremony to start. Cora and Mer had joined us, and the King-Freidmans sat right behind us. Amy and a lady named Alex sat next to us.

As the whimsical music started to play, I kept hold of Mom's hand. I looked up to my left to see her smiling brightly at Callie, who smiled back at her before turning her attention to the entrance to the aisle. Arizona looked incredibly beautiful, as she walked gracefully across the grass. Even though this isn't technically a wedding, I think I want my wedding to look just like this one day. I love all the colors and flowers.

As she walked closer to the front of the aisle, she smiled at me before turning her attention to Callie, which always made me feel special. As Callie and Arizona locked eyes and joined hands, both their expressions changed subtly. It reminded me of the way Mom looks at Mer sometimes. The way her cheeks seem to soften at the edges, and her eyebrows rest in a way that makes their previous state look high and stressed.

I continued to think as the ceremony started. The minister started speaking, but I didn't really tune in until I heard Callie's voice.

"Arizona," she began. "Being your wife for the past ten years is one of the things I am most proud of in my life. Although this isn't our wedding, I am still making a renewed promise to you. Arizona, I promise to strive to bring you all of the happiness you bring me with a single smile. I promise to hold your hand after long days, and go out to karaoke bars with you on your birthday. Your eyes are all encompassing of your beauty, and I am blessed to be able to see them double through our daughter. I promise to love her and you for the rest of our many days."

I looked up at Mommy to see a tear running down her cheek.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" I whispered.

"I'm happy for them," she smiled, wiping away the tears. "Sometimes you cry when you're happy too."

"Calliope," Arizona began, wiping away her own tears. "Even through our hardest of times, you have always been the woman I look most forward to seeing, and I am incredibly lucky to get to be held by your arms every night before I fall asleep. I promise to always give you your forehead kisses in the hallway, and bigger kisses at more appropriate times," she giggled. "I love you, and promise to show it for the rest of our lives together."

The crowd clapped as Callie and Arizona immediately kissed. They pulled a part after a short moment, giggling and blushing at each other, before smiling out at everyone in the seats.


Later that evening, all of their friends and family, of whom I knew about half, were busy celebrating in the living room and kitchen of the Robbins-Torres house. I stayed close by Aunt Amy and Alex, enjoying meeting the new woman and hearing about her life. It was extra nice that she seemed to enjoy hearing about mine.

"What kinds of things do you paint?" she asked me, as I went on describing my artwork.

"Oh look, she paints everything," Amy added, pulling out her phone to a photo album of my paintings.

"No," I blushed. "Don't show her those!"

"Why not?" Alex asked. "They're beautiful."

"You think so?"

"How could I not? You know, this one looks just like Fiji," she added, stopping on one of the landscapes as she swiped. "I went on a trip there for business once! It is still one of the nicest places I've ever been."

"You'll have to take me sometime," Amy smiled softly.

"Oh, I will if you let me," she winked, before once again swiping through the pictures."I used to do lots of art when I was little. I didn't have very many friends, so I would stay in my room and draw pictures of anything and everything. I haven't drawn anything in years though."

"Why not?" I asked, confused as to why she would stop.

"I just got so busy with my business that I ran out of motivation. I miss it, but I don't even know where I would begin again," she said.

"Well, I could help you!" I answered immediately, wanting to spend more time with Alex.

"I'm sure we could arrange something," Amy added. "As long as it's okay with your mom."

"It will be," Alex sighed.

"You know I have to ask," she said.

"Yes, I know," she laughed.

Amy didn't laugh, which I thought was a little strange. But after that, Mer and Cora came over to join us.

"Hey!" Cora smiled. "We're doing cake in a minute."

"Yes!" I smiled.

"Here," she said, hoisting me into her arms. "Let's go."

A/N: A little happy chapter to get you all through your week! I hope you all are well! There have been many new readers coming in in the last couple days, and I am so thankful for all of you. I hope you are all enjoying!

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