40: Hometown Glory

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A quick note: If you have made it all the way to Chapter 40, THANK YOU so much! It means the world that you guys have all taken the time to read my writing, especially because this is my first ever story. Your comments and votes really make my day (:

Addison POV:

While the call with my family had calmed my nerves significantly, I was still quite on edge about my surgery later today. While it was partially due to the complicated nature of the surgery, it was also the ever present need to impress my former colleagues, and the newbies that have joined the crew. I have a reputation at Grey Sloan, and I would hate for my visit to disturb that. And, I of course want to save both my patient Sylvia, and her baby girl.

Despite my nerves, I entered the hospital with my head held high, and went to grab some coffee before mid-morning rounds. I would save my hot cocoa break for closer to the time of the surgery. Bailey had agreed to join me for old times sake.

As I was walking to my patient's room, I heard Dr. Karev's voice coming from behind me, as well as the voice of a young woman.

"Well, you'll have to meet me in the on-call room after the surgery for a celebration," he said. "Assuming it all goes well."

"It will go well," she insisted, "And if you keep tempting me I'm gonna be late for rounds. Dr. Montgomery's on this case. I have to make a good first impression!"

"Oh!" I said, turning around to face Karev and whom I assumed to be his wife. "You must be Dr. Wilson," I said, extending my hand. "I'm Dr. Montgomery."

"Oh! Dr. Montgomery, it's so amazing to meet you," she said, nervously laughing as her face turned an angry shade of red.

I tried to comfort her with a smile, but she turned to her left to see Alex trying to stifle his laughter.

"You knew she was in front of us didn't you!" She exclaimed. "You did that on purpose! I'm so sorry Dr. Montgomery. Really, I-"

"Wilson, it's fine! Believe me, I've known Alex since he was an intern. He hasn't acted like a horny teenager as of yet, so I was waiting for it to happen," I laughed.

"Not fair," Alex protested.

"Oh, very fair. But she's right, we do have rounds," I said.

"Bye Alex," Wilson said, turning to follow me into Sylvia's room.

"Wait, have we met before?" She asked.

"Hmm- wait. You're the girl from the airport!" I laughed.

"Oh my- great I'm making lovely first impressions. First, I run into you in the airport, literally, and then I start talking about having sex."

"Wilson," I laughed. "Everyone in this hospital talks about having sex all the time. In fact, that's almost all they talk about besides medicine. Really, you're fine!" I assured.

She sighed, following me into Slyvia's room.

When we arrived there, Richard was already chatting with her. Both Wilson and I had already met her, just on separate occasions.

"Hi Sylvia," I greeted. "How are you feeling?"

"Physically or mentally?" She replied.

"Both," I answered.

"Well, physically I'm doing just fine. The morning sickness let up weeks ago so I'm finally feeling like myself again. Mentally, I'm not so sure," she continued.

"Are you having second thoughts about the surgery?" I asked.

"Well, not necessarily that. I just wish there was some way to know that I'm making the right choice. Are you a mother, Dr. Montgomery?" She asked

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