30: Hold It Together

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Addison POV:

Well, I was certainly bold last night asking Mer to move in with me. Honestly, I have wanted her to live with me ever since she arrived, but I thought I would never admit it. I almost can't believe she actually agreed.

Now, she won't be moving in right away. We discussed it a bit more last night, and decided that it would be best to start the move in after the trial is over, to give us some more time and to give Clara some time to adjust to the idea so it doesn't feel sprung on her.

Also, there's just so many things to work out with the trial right now. I still have to figure out how to prepare Clara so she doesn't panic in court, because the talk of the hearing has been making her very worried. Luckily, we have an appointment with Violet in a few days so that should be helpful.

Anyway, I messaged Jonathan last night to go ahead and add Mer to the "Living with" section of the papers. Safe to say, he was very excited.



//Sorry, what I meant to say was, that's amazing Dr. Montgomery! I'll add it to the papers right away. Stupid autocorrect.\\

//I may have gotten a bit excited there. Please excuse my language.\\

He's definitely one of the more interesting attorney's I've ever worked with. I have to love him though.

As I was getting changed out of my pajamas, I heard the door swing open and the sounds of a bag being sat down on the bench.

"Auntie Amelia!" I heard Clara call from downstairs as her small footsteps bounced across the hardwood.

"Hey my love bug," Amelia said, picking her up onto her hip as I walked down the stairs and into the living room. "You got coffee, Addie? I had a late shift last night," she yawned, making her way to the kitchen and settling down on the barstool, Clara still sitting on her lap.

"Of course," I laughed, going into the kitchen to pour from the pot that I had made earlier in the morning. "Any good stories?"

"Actually yea- I was covering the pit when this one dude walked in with a zucchini so far up his a-"

"Okayyy, that's enough," I interrupted. I could tell where that was going.

"What's wrong? You want me to cover her ears or something? Cause I can!"

"Amy," I laughed. "Cora should be calling in about five minutes. I made some pancakes and fruit so help yourselves."

"Nice!" Amelia answered.

"Cora's calling?" Clara asked.

"Yea honey, she's calling with Joanna to set up her first appointment with Amelia," I replied.

"Oh, ok," she said, a bit less excited that she was calling to talk about medical stuff.

"As long as it's okay with Joanna, I could get her in as soon as next week," Amelia added.

"Perfect," I replied. "I'll be there too since I'm driving her to and from."

My phone started ringing on the table, so I picked it up and propped it up against the paper towel roll before answering.

"Hi Clara bug," Cora said once her face had popped onto the screen, along with Amelia's and Clara's in the small window in the corner.

"Cora!" she smiled, waving at the phone.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" I asked, setting Amelia's coffee down in front of her and taking a seat beside the two.

"About the same," she replied. "I'm still really tired, but the dizziness hasn't gotten as bad as the day I fainted so far."

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