25: Practice Makes Perfect

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Clara POV:

"How's our strawberry shortcake coming along sweet pea?" Addie asked me as we continued to prepare for our dinner party this evening. Mama's calling it Friendsgiving, even though it's already past Christmas. Apparently, doctors have tight schedules.

"It's coming great," I responded, placing the final strawberries on top and finding a spare spot for it in the fridge. "So, who's all coming again?"

"Well Amy's already setting up outside, and the rest of them should be here around 6:30. That will be Charlotte, Cooper, Mayson, the triplets, Violet, Sam, Pete, Jake, Arizona, Callie, Sofia, and Meredith."

"That's a lot of people," I answered, looking up at her.

"It is, but we will have lots of space for everyone since we will be outside," she comforted. "But, I do think this might just be the most people I've ever had over here at once!"

"Are you excited to see Meredith?" I asked with a knowing smile.

"Yea of course I'm excited to see Meredith. Why do you ask?"

"Oh no reason," I replied. She doesn't know that Auntie Amy tells me everything. I know all. "I'm gonna go see if Auntie Amelia needs help," I added, hurrying off through the back door.

"How's it going, love bug?" She asked as I shut the door, turning back around to give her a big hug.

"It's good," I smiled. "So," I started, getting down to business, "We have to make sure Mom and Mer sit together tonight."

"Oh trust me, they will," she laughed. "I love this, you're like my little partner in crime."

"What crime?" I asked.

"Oh, just settin' Addie up with her lover girl of course," she winked.

"Oh, of course!"

"Does Addie know you're out here digging into her love life?" She asked with a smirk.

"Well, she thinks I'm out here helping you. Which I am- just in a different way," I smiled shyly.

"You little rebel," she laughed. "Well, while you're out here I could use some help setting out these flowers. You're good at that artsy stuff."

I smiled, taking the flowers from her and beginning to place them around the deck and steps.

After I finished with the flowers, I headed back inside to go get ready for the party. When I headed back inside, Addie was already upstairs taking a shower. I decided to use the time to pick out my outfit for the night. Well, first I went across the hall to Addie's room to see what she was wearing. A white knit sweater paired with light jeans were laid out across her bed.

I got back to my closet, and decided on my white sweater with black polka dots, paired with a white bow to match her outfit. By the time I finished getting dressed, the sounds of the running shower had stopped and were replaced by a light knocking at the door.

"Come in," I answered.

Addie gently opened the door and walked in wrapped in her bathrobe and her hair up in a towel.

"Aw look at you," she smiled. "So stylish- we'll match!"

"I know," I smiled shyly. "Could you help me with my hair?"

"Sure," she replied, sitting down on the end of my bed, patting the space in front of her for me to hop up.

"Ponytail please," I smiled, handing her the bow as I rested back onto her chest.

"Of course," she smiled. "But you might have to sit up a bit so I can brush it up."

"Noo," I pouted, snuggling tighter now.

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