26: All Too Well

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Clara POV:

"So, what movie are you guys watching," Addie asked me, nearing the movie theater.

"The Little Mermaid," I replied happily, super excited to watch a new Disney movie.

"Oh, you're gonna love it! Amelia and Charlotte went to go see it the other day and said that it was great."

"The Little Mermaid is one of my top 5 Disney movies," I added. "Can't beat out Tangled, but I love it."

"So are Emily and Scarlett meeting you there?" Addie asked.

"Yea, as well as some of her other friends," I replied.

"Sounds fun! You have the card I gave to you with my number right? Have Scarlett's mom call me if you need anything," she added as we pulled up to the theater.

"Ok," I smiled. "Oh, I see her over there! Love you," I said, getting out of the car.

"Love you too, my little pea," she smiled.

As I walked to the doors, Emily and Scarlett ran over to me, as well as another girl that I recognized from school.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" Scarlett said, as I joined the group to walk into the theater.

"Yea, you can never come to anything," Emily sighed dramatically.

"I know," I smiled sadly. "But I can now!"

"We should come over soon and meet Addison. She sounds cool," Scarlett replied.

"She is," I smiled shyly. "I'm Clara by the way," I said, now directing my attention at the other girl.

"I'm Diana," she smiled back.

"Like the princess?"

"Yea," she laughed.

We rejoined Scarlett's mom, and headed to the line to get our tickets. The three girls laughed amongst themselves, recounting stories I didn't quite understand. Scarlett and Emily did their best to include me most of the time, but I was often left feeling on the outs. I guess I should feel lucky that I'm here now, and I am. I'm so happy. It's just, I don't really know what to say. I have never had a chance to hang out in an actual setting outside of school before.

I stuck close by to Scarlett, walking into the theater to grab our seats. Another girl met us in the theater, although I couldn't catch her name. Scarlett's mom sat a few rows behind the group, with me sitting next to Scarlett and Emily. It had been ages since I'd seen a movie in the theaters. The last time I went, I had been so young I couldn't remember. My nerves quickly melted away as I watched the bright screen play the familiar Disney intro.

While Emily and Diana chatted periodically throughout the movie, Scarlett and I stayed quiet, taking in the film to the fullest. It was almost calming. I could fall asleep listening to all the songs. It reminded me of when Cora and I would go into the basement late at night on the weekends and rewatch our same small collection of Disney DVDs. I should see if Addie and I can take her to the movies soon. She would like that.

Before I knew it, the film had ended and it was time to go back to Emily's house to continue the birthday celebration. As we all piled into the back of the car, I realized just how comfortable I had gotten driving around with Addie, and how strange it felt being in a car with someone else's mom.

I had talked through some of these things with Violet at my previous session, and she assured me that they should go away with time and experience. I just hoped that would be soon, because I really was having fun during the outing. I just wish I didn't have all of these background thoughts to distract me. They make me feel like an outsider.

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