22: It's All Coming Back

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Addison POV:

// "No, I want to get it for you mom." \\

Did I hear her right? I think Clara really called me mom. It could be a mistake, so I can't make a big deal about it. But I just couldn't help my lips parting for a moment, as all of my words failed.

"Oh, um I just called you Mom. I'm sorry. If you don't want me to-" she started, realizing what she had said. I interrupted her, pulling her into a hug.

"No sweet pea! You can call me whatever you want to. Mom, Addie, it doesn't matter to me. But I do feel like your mom," I winked.

"Ok," she smiled.

"And yes, we can definitely get the bracelet," I added, still smiling widely. "I love it."

As we walked through the store to check out the items, my mind was occupied by the significance of the moment. I reminisced about all of the things it took to get us here. Sitting in that hospital room all those weeks ago, I could never have imagined the peace I feel in this moment. In a way, it was good I was thrown feet first into the hard parts of parenting. Now I could really appreciate the many, many good moments. And this moment was, dare I say perfect.

I wanted to capture it and hold onto it. So I did.

After the cashier finished ringing up our items, I asked, "So, would you mind taking a picture of the two of us by the Christmas tree? I guess you might not be able to leave the desk, but I would really appreciate it."

"Of course," the brunette said, handing me the bag and stepping out from behind the register. Clara and I followed behind her, stopping at the large Christmas tree in the middle of the store.

"Look, It has a butterfly on it," Clara smiled, looking at all the ornaments.

"Aw, he's cute," I replied.

I then put my arms around her and smiled for the picture. When the lady handed my phone back, I looked at our photo and immediately smiled. Clara had the most adorable smile. One that could hold the whole world if you let it.

And I would make sure her smile stays as long as I live.


The next day, I was back at the practice enjoying my morning coffee and bagel with Amelia, Charlotte, and Cooper. As I ate my breakfast, I enjoyed the banter between the three.

"Oh, yea we went to see M3GAN yesterday with Mason. I really want to know who thought that movie was a good idea. The dancing was absolutely horrific. That alone is enough to haunt your dreams," Cooper began.

"Oh yea, cause you totally didn't scream," Charlotte said, rolling her eyes.

"Did not!" he argued.

"Oh you most certainly did," Amelia chimed in. "Mason was laughing his ass off at you."

"Ok well that was ONE part! I was just trying to immerse myself in the story as all good movie watchers do," he replied.

"Alright Coop," Charlotte laughed. "If you want to be the big man stop screamin' during movies. What'd you do yesterday Addie. I heard Bizzy was in town."

I sighed, knowing that this would certainly be a topic of conversation. One that I would like to avoid.

"Oh, yea she came for business. She visited on Saturday but didn't stay long. That was long enough. Clara and I went Christmas shopping yesterday though! It was honestly magical getting to see my own child enjoy the holidays with me for the first time," I smiled.

"Ooo I bet Clara got good stuff! She's got good eyes like you," Amy replied.

"Yeah, she did. And, she called me Mom for the first time so that was pretty cool," I added, unable to hide my smile as much as I was trying to play it cool.

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