6: Safe and Sound

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Addison POV:

"Ok Clara, I'm going to do something called an ultrasound to make sure you don't have any ouchies inside your belly," Arizona explained while she put the conduction gel on the ultrasound wand. "It won't hurt at all, it just may feel a little cold."

Clara immediately looked up at me for reassurance. I nodded back, giving her shoulder a squeeze. These are the moments I almost wish I wasn't a doctor. Arizona was looking for internal bleeding. With this kind of injury, it could be coming from any number of places.

She could need surgery. Where was Joanna? Does she know about this? Someone should call her.

My thoughts were interrupted as Arizona finished up the exam. Clara had done quite well, and hadn't moved at all.

"Alright Clara, we're all done," she said, gently wiping the gel off of Clara's skin. My eyes immediately darted towards hers, waiting for her to go on. She gave me a small nod before continuing.

"So Clara, one of your organs called your spleen got a little hurt, and it's bleeding. The good news is, it's only a grade 1 bleed. That means you won't need surgery: you'll just have to stay here to be monitored for a few days," she explained gently to Clara.

There was immediately a weight lifted off of my shoulders. Of course I didn't want her to have any internal bleeding, but she was going to be okay. She would be safe.

"So, you mean I have to stay here?" Clara asked, her face immediately turning downwards as I felt her body tense.

"Just for a few days," Arizona replied. "But one of our nurses is going to move you up to a bigger room where you'll be much more comfortable."

Clara looked down at her lap for a moment. I hadn't a clue what was going through her little brain. Whatever it was, it was too much for an eight year old to have to think about. She then turned her head, looking right in my eyes.

"Addison, can you stay with me?" she asked.

"Of course," I replied, although I wasn't even sure if that was allowed.

Frankly, I didn't care. She needed someone. I'm a doctor, so legally I'm allowed to be here.

I could sense Arizona and Callie shooting me some questioning looks. I knew I had a lot of explaining to do once we were alone. To them and to Charlotte. And to Amelia. I needed to call her and let her know I wouldn't be coming back home tonight.

At that moment, the nurse walked in to take Clara up to her room.

"Alright honey, I'll be right down the hall I need to go make some calls. I'll be right upstairs. I promise," I explained, as the nurse got her ready to move.

She nodded, as I walked out of the room and leaned up against the wall. Callie and Arizona followed me.

"So, do you have any information on her?" I asked, trying to keep it business and remain my cool.

"No, but if there's anything more you know go ahead and add it to her chart," Arizona said, handing me the tablet and placing her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I sighed. "I can do that. Someone should contact her guardian. If you guys don't mind, I think I should."

"Sure, that would be nice," Callie said. "But um, I mean I don't want to butt in but-"

"I'm hopefully adopting her," I said, cutting straight to the point. "We had our first meeting last Sunday. I took her down to the beach. That's how she got my phone number."

"Wow, Addie, that's amazing," Arizona said, giving me a tight hug.

"It doesn't feel too amazing right now," I replied, finally allowing myself to let out the tears I had been so desperately trying to hold in.

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