what happens next

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Its after shift and Mia and maya have gone back to her apartment.

Maya: Right I've got some friends coming round just to ask you a couple of questions, is that alright?
Mia: I guess so, what will happen.
Maya: What do you mean?
Mia: Is dad going to get in big trouble and if so whats going to happen to me?
Maya: Hey don't worry about dad, he did this not you and we will have to talk to one of my special friends and see but maybe you can come and live with me, would you like that?
Mia: Yeah can that really happen though your my sister.
Maya: yeah it can happen and it might be easier because I am your sister.
After police and social services have been
Maya: Why don't you go bed its late I've set the spare room up for you, you've had a long day.
Next shift
Maya: Come on lets go upto the beanery.
Gibson: Morning Bishop.
Maya: morning can you gather everyone in the beanery for me.
Gibson: Yeah I'm on it.
Maya: Its time for you to meet everyone.
Mia: Do i have to?
Maya: Dont be scared no one will hurt you.
Gibson: That was the weirdest thing I have ever walked in on.
Vic: Everyone just needs to pick a month.
Emmett: Not happening.
Maya: Alright quiet... guys this is my little sister Mia Mia these are my friends.
Vic: Why did we not know you had a little sister?
Maya: It never came up. Thats Vic Hughes, Travis Montgomery, Emmett Dixon, Dean Miller, Ben Warren and Jack Gibson.
Gibson: Hi.
Travis: Welcome.
Station 19 gas leak at please respond.
Maya: Travis stay here with Mia.
Travis: So what do you eat or drink or do.... your not talking to me okay.
Emmett: Hey I convinced captain Bishop to let me stay as well, how's it going?
Travis: She won't talk to me.
Emmett: You need to form a bond first... Hi im Emmett can i get you a drink?
Mia: Do you have any dilute.
Travis: I think she means cordial.
Emmett: Oh uhmm I don't know I can have a look.
Mia: Yes please.
Travis: Hi im Travis call me Uncle Travis if you like what do you like doing?
Mia: I like reading i have a couple of books and then usually I go on my tablet but I don't have that with me its still at home.
Emmett: We don't have any juice.
Mia: I'll just have a water then.
Travis: Why don't you read one of the books you have.
Mia: Okay.
When the team comes back
Maya: Mia we need to go and pick up some stuff from mum and dad's after work.
Mia: I know I want my tablet.
Maya: Please get clothes too.
Travis: Maya behind you.
Carina: You haven't messaged me in days.
Maya: I know I've been a bit busy.
Carina: Busy doing what Maya?
Mia: Maya can we get some cordial for the next time were at the station.
Maya: Yeah we've got a couple of days off after today.
Carina: Hi still here.
Ben: Do not make the Italian upset please I beg you.
Maya: Okay guys watch Mia, Carina follow me.
Carina: Who is that little girl upstairs bambina?
Maya: Thats..... my little sister Mia, she turned up here last shift dads beating her. I never knew he hit her as well, I mean he threw stuff when we were young but always at walls he never hurt us. Ontop of that im drowning in paperwork over what happened with Pruitt and I am trying to help my team through losing someone who felt like a dad to most of the team. I also want to be there for Andy but she won't talk to me and now I have to go back to my parents house to get some stuff for Mia and i- im falling apart so I'm sorry I haven't messaged in a couple of days its just, im trying to keep my head above water.
Carina: Bambina... come here if you needed help you should've asked im here for you like your here for me. Right im taking charge you stay in here and do some paperwork I am going to go ask Mia if she wants to help me cook for you guys. Im killing two birds with one brick!!
Maya: I think you mean stone??
Carina: Right yeah, yeah whatever it is.
In the beanery
Emmett: SNAP!! I win again.
Mia: I sware your cheating.
Travis: Always.
Carina: What is all this noise??
Emmett: We're just playing a card game.
Carina: Well Maya wants you two to get back to working on your chores. Mia do you want to help me cook some dinner for this rowdy lot.
Emmett: Hey Mia, this is Carina and she's Maya's girlfriend so you can trust her.
Mia: What are we making?
Carina: A pasta dish of course.
Travis: Carina's Italian.
Mia: Shes's what??
Carina: I'm not from the United States im from a country far away from here, I tell you what I'll take you and Maya out there some day.
Mia: Really, I've never been on a plane.
Carina: Well we will have to fix that won't we bambina. Lets make dinner. Come on wash your hands.
After dinner
Emmett: I'm gay... oh uhhmm yeah, look, I know uh you guys don't know me that well and what you do know is my dads the chief, and I just got engaged to a woman, but this station runs on trust and I don't want to be the person hiding her epilepsy, or the woman who got stuck in the window with her poop. So im gay, and I want to say that I'm a proud gay man but I don't think I'm there yet. But I am gay, also I just want you guys to know it was meeting uhm Mia that I feel I can say this. I mean we don't know why she's here but what we do know is that she's Captain Bishop's sister and seeing how much she has grown with me and Travis especially today it made me feel confident so uhmm thankyou Mia. I think we can all agree she was the light that everyone needed after uhm last shift.
Maya: I'm proud of you but you should probably tell your fiancé before you marry her.
Dean: I was just about to say the same thing, but congrats man.
Travis: What is this??
Ben: You missed it and its not my place to tell you.
Jack: Missed what??
Maya: A meeting of the seattle fire queers.
Vic: I'm proud of you too but i need you to pick a MONTH?
Everyone ignores her.
Maya: Vic i will okay just give me one second to calm Mia down now.
Vic: Oh Mia, Maya im sorry.
Maya: Its okay hey Mia look at me okay.... here sit down at the table and uhmm watch that show that always makes you laugh here just sit I'll get you some water.
Dean: October.
Vic: Okay.
Dean: Oil me up.
Carina: Nah Dean kid around.
Vic: Oaky thank you jesus.
Dean: I'm doing it for Pruitt.
Vic: okay.
Emmett: November.
Vic: thank you.
Ben: Oh hell you know what December, there it is just call me sexy santa.
Maya: Warren KID!!
Dean: ( with shirt off) Lets do this
Maya: Whoa can we- can we not- Can we not do this in the beanery?
Vic: Well...
Maya: There- There is food here and- and a child.
Vic: Alright, Alright she has a point not in front of the kid.
Mia: The kid has a name.

Mia BishopWhere stories live. Discover now