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As I requested, Yu and Ayu gathered the rest of the Club at Nijigasaki. I met them there and we traveled to Yuigaoka together.

On the way, I knew I had to tell them everything I've discovered so far.

About Liella!
About Golden Calf.
About Uncle Oda.
About Kamijou.
About Kana Kihara.
About Shiro Okuda.
About Yukiho.
About Arisa.


I wasn't going to keep secrets from them. Because I need them well-informed if we're going to handle this situation.

Yukiho and Arisa represent the next generation of school idols. I already lost Margarete Wien to Golden Calf, I won't let them fall prisoner too.

 I already lost Margarete Wien to Golden Calf, I won't let them fall prisoner too

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KARIN: "That's a lot to take in..."

MIA: "Sounds like you've been through a lot these past few weeks, Babyboy."

RINA: "If you don't feel comfortable taking part in the contest, I don't mind if you-"

AKI: "No, we have to do this. You can count on me for the contest, Rina. But first we've got to focus on our next live show in two days."

AI: "Yay! That's something we can put our heart into!"

SETSUNA: "Yeah..."

LANZHU: "You'd all better keep up, Lanzhu's already prepared!"

KASUMI: "We'll cross that bridge when we get there! But now, we've gotta venture enemy base..."

SHIZUKU: *Pat* *Pat* "There, there, Kasumi. It'll be okay."

SHIORIKO: "We cannot afford to be scared. Two girls' futures are at stake."

EMMA: "...Akihiko?"

AKI: "Hm?"

EMMA: "Please promise me that nobody will get hurt again."

AKI: "..."

KANATA: "I won't let that happen. Besides, I still have a bone to pick with that Mikoto girl."

KASUMI: "Really? Let me at that Natsumi gremlin!"

LANZHU: "Lanzhu hasn't forgotten what Hitomi Shiga did. Lanzhu is never content with things being even...
She prefers to win."

KARIN: "If I have to compete against Chizuko again, nothing will change."

MIA: "Don't tell me I'll have to talk to that Mei girl again, she was insufferable."

RINA: "I...wouldn't mind talking to Shiki again..."

SHIORIKO: "Personally, I would at least like the opportunity to discuss matters with Ren Hazuki. Reasonably, of course."

Love Live!: TAKEOVER [PART 8]Where stories live. Discover now