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So far so good.

I intend to meet up with Hoshino at 9pm and complete our task within 2 hours in order to comply with the 11pm curfew.

I'm concerned about paparazzi and tabloid reporters who are always on the lookout for their next big story. To avoid any unwanted attention, I plan on wearing a disguise that will effectively conceal my identity in case things go wrong.

Even so, the questions about this whole situation keep spinning around in my head.

Why does a professional idol like Ruby Hoshino want to meet me alone?

What does she want with me?

Hell, why is she interested in school idols if she's a professional?


Will she even show up?

I'm in a weird spot right now, not really sure what's gonna happen next. Could be awesome, could be a total failure. Only thing is, I gotta hurry up and figure it out because Venus Fort closes at 11, which is when I gotta be home.

I don't think Ruby, who is also a high school student, would want to break the curfew either. Therefore, I need to hurry up if I want to finish everything on time and prevent any possible penalties.



It appears that the bar isn't very busy right now. This could work in our favor as we won't have to worry about any of her devoted fans bothering us.

AKI: "Hello, I'm here to meet someone. Booth 3."

CLERK: "Yeah, you must be the guy she's waiting for. Took your sweet time, she's been in there for an hour."

Well, at least she showed up, but...

AKI: "I'm confused. I was instructed to meet her at 9pm."

CLERK: "Whatever. Just sign here and go on in."

AKI: "Okay..."


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Love Live!: TAKEOVER [PART 8]Where stories live. Discover now