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'Risk' is not a word I like to throw around often. Yes, every action we take has risks, but that is just common sense.

I choose to use that word when a plan could catastrophically backfire. Such as the instructions Setsuna and I were given.

1. Attract the attention of 'DISCIPLINE.'

2. Let them chase us.

3. Lure them into a designated janitorial closet.

4. Karin and Lanzhu, with the keys, will lock them inside.

Since I heard Kasumi's tainted bread rolls gambit was a success, Karin and Lanzhu should now have access to the Security Office to acquire the keys.

Since I heard Kasumi's tainted bread rolls gambit was a success, Karin and Lanzhu should now have access to the Security Office to acquire the keys

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SHIORIKO: "You know how dangerous this plan is, correct?"

SETSUNA: "Yes. I know what they are capable of. Listening to what happened to the Shinonome idols, I'd prefer it if we didn't get the same treatment."

SHIORIKO: "Have you maintained your cardio training lately?"

SETSUNA: "Karin and I like to run laps around the track at school. It's been working to boost my stamina."

SHIORIKO: "I see. You often burn out very quickly during live shows."

SETSUNA: "Yes, I know

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SETSUNA: "Yes, I know..."

SHIORIKO: "Take the Rainbow Hearts Tourney, for example. While the results were rigged, it offered the opportunity to reflect on pacing yourself.
In the end, you looked too tired even to stand."

SETSUNA: "As a performer, I like to put my all into one big performance rather than several smaller ones. It's all I can do."

SHIORIKO: "Sometimes, that's just the case. If everyone were a marathon runner, we would not need sprints."

SETSUNA: "Speaking of sprinting, we'd better get prepared. I think I hear someone coming this way!"

She's right, and they don't sound happy. We should keep as much distance between them and us as possible.

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