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AYUMU: "It's finally Mia's turn."

AKI: *Sigh*

It all comes down to this.

This isn't in some secluded piano bar; this is out in the open for the world to see...

Finally, this will be Mia's chance to shut her dad up once and for all.

To prove to him that she isn't a failure and she has the right to stay here in Japan and continue being a Nijigasaki school idol!

It's like a game of baseball, she's a batter stepping up to the plate. We are one point away from winning but one out away from losing.

RIN: "Agh, now I'm getting nervous too!"

The bases are loaded.

YOU: "Yeah, my heart's pounding as of I'm the one onstage!"

She is the last batter left.

MAKI: *Giggle* "I'm sure Mia will be fine

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MAKI: *Giggle* "I'm sure Mia will be fine."

She has to hit a home run to win.

CHIKA: "Right! She looked so confident when she said she was gonna go for it!"

The pitcher is primed and ready to throw.

RIN: "Nya, it's starting!"



The pitcher makes a mistake and throw a fastball.

The pitcher makes a mistake and throw a fastball

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Love Live!: TAKEOVER [PART 8]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora