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Ugh, the nerve of Kami-P to spend so much time in Hokkaido looking after the Liella! girls, when he really should have been protecting his PRIZED asset!

Namely, ME.

The treatment I received on that movie set was unacceptable, and I would love to see every last one of those chumps fired!

Nobody disrespects the King or his agency and gets away with it!

No matter what some failed actress who can... What was it again?

She can trick a lying bitch?

Lick a dying witch?

I don't remember, and frankly I don't care. But it's about time that Kami-P took some action for me.

Enough of playing favorites with Liella!, he should look at where the real money is at.

That all too familiar chime of the elevator opened its doors, welcoming me into Kami-P's office.

The trophy shelf is looking plentiful thanks to the School Idol Division's work as of late.

How do I know that they are our trophies?

Because all of QUASAR's trophies are on display in Mr. Oda's office. Since he is their producer, after all.

Kami-P must hold a special place in his heart for his precious S.I.D. Why else would he display our trophies so proudly?

 Why else would he display our trophies so proudly?

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KAMIJOU: "Togo."

KATSUO: "Ayyy, Kami-P! About time we met like this

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KATSUO: "Ayyy, Kami-P! About time we met like this. I've got a lot of issues to discuss, and a lot of names on my shit list."

KAMIJOU: "Well, I'm glad you feel that way. Because that's exactly why I've called you into my office today."

KATSUO: "Ha! Great! We can get started on the punishment!"

KAMIJOU: *Chuckle* "Indeed we can."


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Love Live!: TAKEOVER [PART 8]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя