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Hearing Kana Kihara recounting her difficult experiences with Kamijou and Okuda left me speechless and overwhelmed

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Hearing Kana Kihara recounting her difficult experiences with Kamijou and Okuda left me speechless and overwhelmed. I was unable to offer any words of comfort or support, and instead could only stare in silence as she shared the horrors of their actions.

For as long as I can remember, I've only heard positive things said about Shiro Okuda's impact on society and her accomplishments in her career as an entertainer. She has been a symbol of resilience and inspiration to all those who have been fortunate enough to witness her gifts.

To realize that the brightest star in our nation's firmament was nothing more than a black hole that consumed all hope and joy...was one of the most heart-wrenching revelations an idol fan can hear.

Indeed, I would have believed that QUASAR's producer Kamijou was the evil mastermind behind their group's controversial performances. Kana Kihara's explanation of the situation, though, revealed the depths to which each member, including Okuda, had sunk. They were not merely slaves to Kamijou's will, but active participants in their own descent into the darkness.

I used to believe in Kamijou's potential for redemption...but now I see that I was a naïve fool. He is nothing more than a power-hungry monster who has no regard for the well-being of others, least of all his own performers.

What a pathetic excuse for a human being!

Kamijou's thirst for power is all-consuming, and he will stop at nothing to continue his family's hold over the entertainment industry. His utter disregard for the people around him is nothing short of evil.

Uncle Oda was right about Kamijou for sure. I'm glad I took his words to heart and didn't trust the guy.

 I'm glad I took his words to heart and didn't trust the guy

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KIHARA: "I'm sorry if my story disturbed you. It's been hard for me to talk about it, and if it affects you negatively, I'm here to talk it out..."

AKI: ", it's.. well, it's not easy to comprehend how someone could lack empathy to such a degree. The idea alone's just so overwhelming. I'm so sorry."

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