~backseat sobs~

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We all eventually get out the pool after Oscar cannon balled back in after his phone call was finished. "We're going out for dinner tonight, the whole group. Oscar do you want I come with us?" Matt asks. "Yeah dude of course" he agrees. I smile as we all get into separate cars and drive home.  I get home and see my dad and Janice watching the sunset in the front garden. "Hey" I say as I get out my car. "Hey kid. How was your day?" He asks. "Good, I'm away out for dinner." I say before getting a nod and going inside. I rush upstairs to my room and shower, do my hair, make up and pick out and outfit. I decided to wear a long sleeve black shirt and some dark blue jeans. I spray some perfume on and grab my bag. I get to my car and wave goodbye to Janice and My dad. I drive to the restaurant we were all meeting at and wait in my car until I see someone pull in. Soon I see Oscar and his mom. I get out my car to go say hello. Oscar get out the car and sees me. He gives me a little wave and I give one back walking over to him. "Hey Oscar" I say with I smile. "Hey" I say to his mom forgetting her name. "Hello Iris, how are you?" She asks. "I'm good thank you. How are you?" I ask "I'm so good, thank you for having Oscar over earlier to swim" she smiles. "Any time" I giggle. His mom drives away and me and Oscar wait outside. Oscar grabs a box out his pocket and takes out a cigarette. He lights it and offers me one. "No thanks" I politely decline. He shrugs. "Waiting for your mom to leave before you smoke?" I giggle. "Shut up. And yeah" he mumbles with a smile. "And I'm eighteen so I can do what I want." He adds. "How about you move out?" I giggle. "Maybe" he smiles. "Where would you go?" I ask. "Probably LA" he turns to me. "Damn that is the dream" I smile. "Yep" he adds as we stare into the stars. "Hey, will you come to the tattoo parlour with me tomorrow?" He asks. "Yeah of course" I say with a smile on my face. "I want to get one to surprise my mom but I can't have her take me and watch me get it done." He giggles. "Yeah I get that, what time?" I ask. "Afternoon. I'll send you a text" he smiles. "Alright" I say.

We see Matt pull into the car park and everyone walk out his van. "Heyyyy" Katie and Layla run to me giving me a big hug when they see me. "Oh my god hiiii" I say hugging them back. They say hello to Oscar and we greet the triplets. We all walk in and tell the woman at the front we have a reservation. We all sit at out pushed together tables and order drinks. Everyone's laughing and talking when Matt nudges me. "Yeah?" I whisper. "Should we tell them?" He asks. "If your ready." I say. Nerves took over my stomach. "Guys." Matt says before shutting off when everyone turns to him. "Me and Matt need to tell you something" I continue, I sigh as Matt gives me a look. "Alright. Basically me and Matt are together" I smile looking at Matt as a smile grows onto his face. "OH MY GOD" Layla screams in excitement. "REALLY?!" Nick says excitedly. Everyone smiles and asks us more about our relationship. I look across the table as Chris talks to Matt. I see Oscar put his hand ontop of nicks on the table. I see there fingers slowly intertwine. I smile to myself before Oscar notices and sends me a small smile. They keep on talking and I direct my attention toward Matt. He looked so pretty in the lighting. I couldn't help but stare. He caught me and giggles. "Someone's drooling over me" he giggles. "Shut up." I say with a smile. "You just know I'm compliment fishin." He smiles. "Well I think your the prettiest guy in the world" I smile. "Mhmm, that's good because I have the prettiest girl in the universe as a my girlfriend." He smiles. "Did you just call me your girl friend?" I ask as I fake gasp. "Sorry do you want me to call you something corny like Babe, Honey or sugar cakes?" He asks. "Sugar cakes?!" I ask bursting out laughing. "Yes sugar cakes" he jokes. I laugh harder at the joke leaning onto him. The night continues and we pay and everyone decides to go back home. "Iris can you drop me off. My mom will smell the smoke on me if I'm in the same car as her." He explains. "Yeah sure." I say unlocking my car. "Hey I'm going to stop by the store on the way." I say pulling into a new lane. He nods and we park. We both get out the car and walk into the Walmart. "So...you and nick?" I smiles. "Nope I'm not Doing this." He tries to walk away. "Come on please" I say grabbing his arm. "Alright. We're in the talking stage." He smiles to himself. "OOO I see that smile" I excitedly bounce. "Shhhh" he says with a laugh. "Sorry" I say with a giggle. I grab some room decor and snacks before we pay and leave the store. "Can we sit out here for a minute?" He asks. "Ugh there's a raging meth head right there but I know a car park not to far from here where we can go." I say. "Alright." He agrees walking back to the car with me. I drive to the empty car park and go to the top floor. We get out and I open my boot before grabbing a blanket and laying it out me and Oscar sit together as he pulls out the box again. "Are you okay?" I ask. "What do you mean?" He asks "I mean your smoking a lot, not that I have a problem with it but I want to know if your doing okay mentally." I explain. He sets down his lighter and takes the cigarette out his mouth. "My mom has cancer." He says. "Oh my god." I say sitting up. "And it's getting bad and smoking helps the anxiety." He explains. "Oh." I say offering him a hug. He gladly excepts it. It felt like he needed it too. I rub my thumb circles on his back as he starts to weep into my shoulder. I turn my face toward his neck hugging him tighter as he sobs into my arms. "She's dying Iris" he says between weeps. I can't help but tear up myself but I had to be strong for him.


Well. Damn

(1165 words)

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