~Party poopers~

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Time skip: 1 week...

"Hey guys" I say walking down the stairs. "Hey" I hear coming from the kitchen. I walk in and see every one doing there own little thing, Josh walks up to me and plants a small kiss on my lips, I hear an 'ooo' echo from the room, it makes me giggle when ever they do that. "So we're leaving in a few days so, I was thinking we could have a small little party just to have a little fun?" I suggest. "Yeah, I mean it's your lake cabin" Katie agrees. Everyone nods and likes the idea. "Alright I need Katie, Nick and Layla to get decor. Chris and Josh your on drinks and me and Matt will get food." I explain. We all nod and drive out to the car. We had more cars since our parents came out and drove our cars here.

Me and Matt go into my car, Josh and Chris take Josh car and Katie drives Layla and Nick. "Can I play music?" Matt asks. "Sure" I say turning on Bluetooth. I start driving to a local market. There wasn't much stores here but enough to get everything we need for a party. "How long have you and Josh been together now?" Matt asks. "About two weeks" I say. "Is it going alright?" He asks. "Yeah, why do you wanna know so much?" I giggle. "Just curious" he says with a smile. "Well, it's not what I expected. If I'm being honest" I sigh. "How come?" He asks. "Well, I think josh doesn't want what I want." I explain. "What do you want?" Matt asks turning to look at the freezers. "I think josh doesn't want any long term stuff, I think we'll just be a summer fling." I say. "Damn. Listen if it is just a summer fling, I'll be here for you" he says sending me a smile. "Thank you Matt" I say. "No problem." He says. We get some nachos, chips and small little appetisers. We get back in the car and drive back where we are everyone load there stuff into the truck. We get every thing on and drive back to the house. We all get everything set up and then get changed for the party. Everyone invites some friends and we all wait for them to arrive.

"Hey Iris, this is our friend Nate." Matt and Chris introduce. "Hello Iris" he greets. "Hey Nate, how are you?" I say making conversation. More people start to arrive and I talk to Nate for a little longer before he goes and meets the others. "Iris, this is our good friend Ahlana." Nick introduces. "Heyy Ahlana, oh my god. I love your outfit" I say, we both laugh and talk more about clothes and then I go grab a drink. "Iris, this is my new girlfriend. Jule." Matt Introduces. "Hi Jule, you look so pretty!" I welcome. Me and Jule talk a little more. The party goes on through the night, and I don't know what it was but seeing Matt and Jule close the whole night made me want to go outside for a little bit of air. I walk out side and sigh. I gather all my thoughts as my eye well up with tears.
"Hey girl, you alright?" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Layla. "Hey" I say as she sits next to me. "What's up?" She asks putting her hand on my knee. "I'm not I love with Josh." I say as I sob a little. "Oh honey." She says and she engulfs me in a hug. "What happened?" She asks. "Well I was having on and off feeling about Josh, but seeing Matt with Jule tonight, it made me feel like I was with the wrong person." I explain. "How come?" She asks. "I don't know, maybe it's because Josh doesn't love me like he wants to be with me." I let out. I feel Layla rub my back a little as I sob. "I don't want to end things with him though" I sob. "Sweetie if the love isn't there then there's no relationship." She explains. I sigh. "You need to break up with him. For the both of you." She says. I sob a little more and Layla comforts me. I finally feel fine and walk back inside with Layla. "Hay cutie where did you go?" Ii hear Nate say as he walks up to me. "Hey Nate" I say with a smile. I see Layla smirk a little and walk back over to Katie. "Come on, I'll take you to where all the fun's happening." He smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder, I walk Into the kitchen with Nate and I see a chugging competition happening. We giggle and me and Nate give it a shot, we where against two other random people who was invited by Katie and Layla. Me and Nate ended up winning and we did a little celebration dance. We walk out to the couch and sit down together as we have a drink. "Matts been saying a lot about you" he giggles. "Matt?" I ask. "Yep I think he likes you" Nate says. "No, he's got a girlfriend." I explain. "And you have a boy friend but you like him" he says. "Wha- I don't like matt" I defend. "Yeah you do" he giggles. "Come on no one looks at their friend like they want to kiss them" he says, "when has that every happened?" I ask. "Every time you look at him dude." He says. I giggle a little. "Are you serious?" I ask. "Dead ass" he says. "So if I where to ask Matt out he would of said yes" I say. " yep he still would." Nate says. "Alright then" I say. Nate smiles at me and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Your like a sister" Nate says. "Your like a brother" I say back. We smile at each other and watch the party chaos.

"What the fuck is happening here?" I hear from beside me. "What?" I ask opening my eyes fully. "Get off her dude." Josh says pushing Nate. "Bro, it's not like that"'he defends. "Josh stop." I say standing up between them. "Don't touch my chic dude" Josh says. "It's not like you even love her" Nate says. "Yeah I do" Josh defends. "They why are you over there snogging that random girl." He says pointing at some random. I stand there in shock as the whole room goes silent. I see the friend group look over at me with sorry in their eyes. My eyes well up as I stare at Josh with a cold eyes. "I wish I never loved you." I say before pushing him out the house. "You" I say pointing at the girl he was kissing. "If you love kissing him so much go snog in his shitty house." I cry. She runs out the house with Josh and they walk away together. I turn around and see everyone else completely silent. "Keep partying guys, I'll be upstairs." I say with a smile as I run upstairs.


My helix piercing hurting as hell rn. 😭
Love the piercing though it looks so good.

Anyway sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been a little busy over the past few days but, I'll be back on my grind soon.🤲 real soon.
I cried over my time table as soon as I got it as one does. I just can't wait for it to end and it hasn't even started yet.
I feel like the school chapters in books are a little boring so I might fast forward and make Iris and everyone graduate.?

Anyway love you all so very much❤️❤️

(1305 words)

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