~Highway tears~

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I get into matts car and Start the car. I start driving to the hospital and keep Matt awake. Panic started to set into my mind but I was talking deep breaths trying to keep calm for Matt. We get to the hospital and I park and walk into the building with him resting his read on my shoulder. "Hello excuse me" I say with an urgent tone but not to be rude. "Hello miss how can I help you?" The woman at the desk asks sitting in her chair. "Hi Iris Monroe, Matthew sturniolo. a head injury and he's feeling dizzy and a little nauseous. I've treated it with Ice and arnica ointment." I inform her. She nods and pulls out a wheel chair. I place Matt into the wheelchair. I walk along the corridor with him until they get to the emergency room. "Oh miss what's your relationship with the patient?" She asks. "I'm his girlfriend" I say. "Okay come with me" she says walking me to a waiting room. "The doctors will check his head out and is there any other family members you'd like to contact to let them inform he's here?" She asks. "Ugh yeah can I use the hospital phone?" I ask. "Of course follow me." She says as she leads me to a desk. I dial the sturniolos house number.

"Hello Mary-Lou who is this?"
"Hi Mary-lou it's me Iris. I'm at the A and E with Matt right now."
"Oh my god are you kids alright?"
"Yes Mary-Lou. Matt got punched at the party. But he's being checked out now by the doctors."
"Thank you for calling us Sweetie. We'll be there soon bye"
"Alright bye Mary-lou"
She hangs up the call.

I go back to the waiting room and wait for Matt to be done my leg bounces up and down waiting. "SWEETIE" I hear someone slightly yell. I turn around and see Mary liu run to hug me. I get up and hug her so tightly. "Thank you for coming" I whisper in here ear. "No problem sweet heart." She says sitting next to Me. I see Jimmy walking towards us. "Hi Jimmy" I say as he waved to me. I give him a little hug before we all wait at the bench. A nurse comes out. "Hello folks. Ugh he's face is looking alright, we suspect no fractures and swelling should be down within two weeks or more, well send you off with some painkillers and ointment." He explains. "Alright thanks you" Jim says. We see Matt walk out the room with a bag of painkillers and ointment. "Hey guys" He says with a small smile. "Hey honey how are you?" Mary-lou asks rubbing his back and taking his bag. "I'm alright mom." Matt smiles. "Okay lets get you home." She says. We all walk out and Matt gets in the car with Mary-lou and Jim. I say good night to them and Take Matt's car back home. I start driving and pull over as tears fill my eyes. I cry with the radio blasting in the background. I see Matt's hoodie in the back and grab it and put it on. I get out of the car and tale deep breaths as my sobs turn into a panic attack. I breath in and out grabbing my chest and trying to stop crying. I start to calm down and sink back into the drivers seat before sobbing again. I grab my phone and Decide to call Nick.

"Hello?" he answers confused. "Nick" I say through sobs. "Woah what's wrong?" He asks. "Everything." I whisper. "Oh Iris." He says. "Everything that happened was my fault and Matt got hurt and I didn't tell you guys because I didn't want to ruin your night, but all I did was take away you guys from Matt when he needed you." I sob. "Aw Honey. Listen Matt's alright, where are you right now?" He asks. "The side of the highway." I say clearing my throat a little. "Alright. well take a few breathes with me and then wipe your eyes a little and Drive home safe." He lists. I take a few deep breathe with Nick and then we have a small conversation before we hang up and I drive home. I get home and look in the mirror and see mascara and make up smudged down my face, I giggle a little at how bad I look. I walk up stairs take it off and fall asleep as soon as I rested my head on the pillow.

I get up with my head pounding. I off my bed and take some pain killers before I go down stairs and open my empty cupboards to see if I have anything to eat. "Damn" I whisper to myself. I run upstairs and put on a oversized shirt and cycling shorts and grab my phone and purse. I text the group chat that I was going on a coffee run and if anyone wants to come. I get a yes from almost the whole friend group so I decided to take Matt's car. I get to Katies house and pick up Layla and Katie, "Katie I'm really sorry about the party last night" I apologise. "Girl, you don't need to apologise for josh's high actions, and plus it added a flare to my party." She giggles with a smile. I let out a sigh of relief as I drive to the triplets house. The triplets walk out of their house and get into the car. "I see you using my car." Matt giggles. "damn you look bad." Layla says earning a shove from Katie. We all look at them before I turn the radio up and switch conversation's.

"How was your night Katie?" I ask as I start driving. "It was magical" she says winking at Layla. "Oooo" Chris says from the back giggling with nick. I let out a little chuckle as Layla and Katie give each other warm smiles. We pull up to Starbucks and I order everyone's drinks. I'm not really a coffee girl but a peach ice tea is a daily thing. We all get our drinks as I start driving again. "Where are we going?" Nick asks. "Somewhere" I say with a giggle as I pull out into a busy road.


Iris got told to save her tears for another day Fr💀
Anywayyyyy. Peach iced tea is one of my daily addictions so don't be hating😭✋

Love you all so very much. Almost at 1k reads!!! I love all the support and love that this book is getting <333

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