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"Iris wake up, your going to be late" I hear my Dad call for down stairs. I shoot up from my bed and look at the time on my phone. "oh my fucking god." I whisper rushing out my bed and to the bathroom, I quickly wash my face, do my hair and spray perfume on my neck and wrists. I run into my bedroom and take the clothes I'd previously chosen to wear from last night. I grab concealer, beauty blender, eye lash curler, mascara and a lip oil I shove them in my hoodie pocket and pick up my bag before running down the stairs. "Good morning" my dad says as I grab the toast he made. "Morning dad, can you drop me off?" I ask. "Of course, I wouldn't miss my little girl go into her first American high school." He says with a smile. "Thanks dad." I say.

Me and my dad where really close since my mom died when I was born. He's like the dream dad, a little over protective but that's him playing up to his role in life. My dad always told me story's of mom, trying to give me at least one memory of her.

I was in the car, putting on my makeup as evenly as I could with the car mirror. "Here we are." Dad says looking over at me. "Thank you dad." I say getting my bag from the backseats. "Stay safe, I'll pick you up later, Call me when your done." He says with a tear filling one of his eyes. "I will dad, have a good day at work love you." I say before walking up to the building.

I walk into the school and see a little old woman working behind a huge desk. "Hello, I was told you'd have my time table?" I say to the old woman, "Yes dear, what's your name." the woman says. "Iris Monroe." I say looking at her go through a filing cabinet. "Here honey." She says handing me a piece of paper. "Thank you." I say before looking down at the time table. "English" I mumble. I look up at the small amp on the wall. third floor English, 'great' I thought I walk over to the stair well and start making my way up. I see the teachers name on the outside of the door and walk into the open class. "Can I help you" I hear a voice call. "Hi, sorry I'm new here, are your Mrs. Sanders?" I asks, "Yes, you must be Iris?" she asks. I nod as she points to a desk at the back, there was already a few kids in the class, a group of 4 boys goofing around in the corner and one girl drawing on her hand in the back next to my desk, "Hey" I say to the girl sitting down, "Hii, your the new girl?" She says looking up at me. "yeah, I'm Iris." I say smiling at the super friendly girl, "I'm Layla." she says with a smile, I talk more with Layla and she invites me to her friend group, I happily agree. more people started flooding into the class, "Here's your desk mate." Layla says looking at the boy who just walked in. Anxiety rushes through me, he looks intimidating. He looks up at me with no expression and sits down next to me. "Hi" I say. "Hey" he mumbles. "I'm Iris." I say mentally kicking myself. "Matt" He says fiddling with his pencil. "Matt stop being so awkward, she won't bite." Layla says sending a glare his way. He sighs and looks into my eyes, "I'm Matt" he says sitting upward in his seat. I nod and the teacher begins the lesson.

After class I walk out with Layla. "Sorry about Matt, he'll warm up to you soon. He's like this with everyone, his brothers are better with people." she says, "Brothers?" I ask. "Yeah he's a triplet his brothers are Chris and Nick." She says with a smile. "There all in the group you'll meet them at lunch." She says with a smile, I smile back at her, "Who else in in the group?" I asks, "Just Katie my girlfriend and Josh he's just a big goof ball." Liv explains. we walk to out next class, me and Layla have most of our classes together apart from our last one.

Matt's POV

I walk up to my brothers who look tiered of each other already. "Hey" I say walking next to Chris. "hi" he says. Nick doesn't say anything and just waves his hand a little. "I met the new girl this morning, called Iris she'll show up to lunch probably, Layla was talking to her all period." I say. "New girl?" Nick's eyes light up. "Yeah you dumb fuck that's what I just said." I say with an eye roll. "No need to be rud-" Nick says before being cut off. "Shut the fuck up" Chris says putting air pods in. I walk into my next class with my brothers.

Iris's POV: Time skip


I'm nervous to meet the rest of the group even though they sound lovely. Me and Layla walk into the cafeteria and get sandwiches and then she leads me to a table with a brunette boy and a black haired girl. "Heyy guys, we have a new person here. This is Iris" Layla says smiling. I awkwardly wave. "Heyy I'm Josh" The brunette boys says. "I'm Katie, it's nice to meet you." Katie says hugging the girl. she walks over to Layla and grabs us both, "We can finally have a girls night!" She says full of excitement. Me and Layla laugh. "I'm here too you know." Josh says pretending to be sad. We all laugh and then I sit next to Layla. " Heyy bro." Josh says as his eyes meet someone walking tot he table. "What's good." A random boy says dapping him up. They boy looks over to me. "Heyy you must be Iris, nice to meet you I'm Chris." He says smiling at me. I nod and smile back. "Nick and Matt should be here soon." He says sitting down next to Josh. "cool" Josh says. Soon Nick and Matt walked up to the table. "Hey guys." Nick and Matt say. "Heyy" we all say. "Hey you must be Iris. I'm Nick" He smiles. I smile back at him.

I get to know the group more and Me and Matt had gotten more comfortable, not of a friend level yet but to talk to each other at least. We all exchange phone numbers and I get added to a group chat with everyone.

The lunch bell rings and I look at my time table "Does anyone have Science next?" I ask. "I do, what teacher?" Chris asks, "Miss. Davies?" I say. "Yep we have the class together." he smiles. I grab my bag and walk with Chris to our next class.


First chapter!! so happy to be making another fanfic.

(Words 1174)

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