~Will you Marry me?~

498 4 14

I wake up with matts arms wrapped around me. I smile to myself as the morning sun beams of his clear skin. I see him slowly flutter his eyes open and smile. "Good morning sweetheart." He smiles as he lets out a relaxed sigh. "Good morning Handsome" I smile as I run my hand through his hair. "Ooo, can we do face masks together?" I smile. "I just woke up" he whines. "Pleaseeeee" I beg. "Alright after breakfast." He giggled before unwrapping his arms around my torso. "Alright" I say with a smile as I get up. I walk to my kitchen pouring us both cereal. "Here." I say pouring milk into it before setting my bowl down on the counter. "Thank you" he smiles sitting down and eating. "I can't believe we're graduated now." I giggle to myself. "I know right. No more school" Matt says. "Maybe for you." I sigh. "Aw come on uni won't be that bad." He giggles. "We'll see if I even get into uni." My smile fades. "I'm sure you will. Your smart and have all the qualities needed." He smiles putting his bowl away. "Thank you Matt" I say placing a small kiss on his lips. "I love you" he smiles looking down at me. "I love you to" I smile. "Now come on" I laugh pulling him up to my bedroom.

"Face masks!" I yell grabbing two charcoal face masks out my dresser. "Charcoal?" Matt asks. "Yeah, come on" I smile ripping open the first packet and wiping it on his face. "This feels weird" he says a little worried. "You'll be fine" I smile before squeezing more onto my finger and spreading it across his face. Our face masks dry and I decided to take some photos before we rip the masks off.

"OUCH" Matt yells as I rip off a piece that was stuck in his eyebrow. "I'm so sorry" I say with a giggle as I throw the mask in the trash. He whimpers and holds his eye brow as he looks down. "Never doing a face mask with you again" he says with a small giggle. "Awe come on it's not that bad." I say with a sarcastic sigh. "Your right" he says looking up acting tough. "Says the guy who was whimpering next to the bathroom sink a second ago." I giggle. "Alright, do you want to go out and see a movie?" Matt asks. "Are you taking me on a date?" I smile. "Maybe" he whispers pulling my closer. "We'll if you are I just can't decline it" I smile. "Good, because I don't think you had the option to." He giggles. "What would you do kidnap me?" I ask. "Yeah" he says placing a soft kiss on my lips before walking away. "Damn. The charm" I say extra loud so he can hear me. "CHEESY" he yells from the lobby. "You love it" I smile.

We both get into car and drive till we see a gas station. Matt fills up his tank before running into the store. He comes out with a bag and runs to the car. "Here's some Reece's for you and flowers" he says giving me the bag of flowers and candy. "Awe you didn't have to Matt" I smile as I go through the bag. He drives to the cinema and we walk in hand in hand.

"What movie are you here to see today folks?" The guy behind the counter asks.
"can I get two tickets to..." Matt says before cutting himself off. "This movie" I say pointing to the movie on the screen. "Sure thing, what seats?" The guy asks. "Back row" I smile. We pay for our tickets before getting Pepsi and popcorn and going into the cinema. The adverts plays as we take a few photos and post them. The ads soon finish and the movie starts. I switch off my phone as the light dim.



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