~The gig~

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I'm in my first class with Oscar. We both zone out bored of what the teacher is ranting on about. "Heyyy, do you want to listen to some of my music I'll be playing tonight?" He asks. "Yeah dude" I agree as he takes out his ear phone case and hands me one. We both listen to his music. It was a lot better than expected. "Damn dude you should really try and get a producer on this shit." I giggle. "You think so?" He asks. "Yeah of course. Your vocals are amazing and your instrumentals are heavenly." I compliment. "Thanks man." He smiles. "Awe don't get to flustered" I say as we both giggle in the back earning a sinister look from the teacher. "It there something you'd like to share with the class?" She asks. "Yeah I'm going to be a fucking super star" Oscar says earning giggles from me. "Oscar, iris principals. Now." She yells. "Alright" we quietly say grabbing our bags and walking out the class together. We both giggle on the way down the hall way. "We're not actually away to see this bozo are we?" Oscar asks. "Ugh I mean we could go down sit through a lecture get a warning and then skip for the rest of the period." I say. "Sounds good" he says giving me and hand shake.

We walk down to the principals. "Iris and Oscar." He says as we walk into his office. "Hey" we both say. "I think we all know why you two are here" he says. "Ugh actually no. I don't know why I'm here." I say. "Well you were apparently being a disruption in class." He says. "Well, not really we where being quiet and the teacher asked us to share what was being whispered in the back of the classroom. So we weren't interrupting anything." I explain. "Well...you where cussing in class to a peer which we do not tolerate" he explains. "Well sir with all due respect I think you need to hire better staff. First of all I didn't cuss I said "flippin" teacher must of miss heard, second don't you have bigger things to solve with this school that isn't two kids who where talking about there future career which was on task of the class?" Oscar defends. He sighs "well I'll give you kids a warning but don't let it happen again" he says.

Me and Oscar walk out the room. "We did that" I quietly cheer giving him a high five. "How many times have you done that?" Oscar asks. "Not many. Matt skips a lot so sometimes I'll wait for him outside the office after school and hear the shit that's happening inside." I say. "Dan you little spy" he giggles giving me a soft push. "I'll text Matt and see if he's skipping." I say getting my phone from my pocket. I text Matt.


Are you skipping?

Yeah why. Are they looking for me?

Nope me and Oscar are skipping history after we got sent to the office.

Damn meet me in the empty classroom on the second floor.

Iris 🧿

I put my phone back in my pocket and me and Oscar go look for the empty class room. There would always be an empty classroom where random people would go to skip, do drugs or have sex. It wasn't a really nice place but if matts there there must not be a lot of people their. We find the classroom and I open the door, I look around at the torn down classroom and see Matt sitting next to a upside down desk. "Hey" I say walking up to him. "Hi" he says zoned out. I just sit next to him and Oscar follows sitting next to me. "Are you alright?" I ask. "Yep just panic attacks." He says. I take his hands and he instantly grips onto them. He was having a hard time and that's the only way I felt like I could at least help him a little. I help him focus on his breathing until we heard a knock at the door. we all spring up and hide behind thrown desks. "I think no ones in here" we hear a familiar voice say. I look over the desk and see Katie and Layla checking behind the desks at the other end of the of the classroom. "Katie, Layla?" I say coming out from behind the desk. "Iris?!" They say turning around. we all smile and give each other a hug. "Is it just you in here?" Katie asks. "Ugh no. Oscar and Matt" I say as they both come out. "Oh, hey guys" Katie says, we all sit down next to each other and talk or go on our phones until the bell rings for lunch.

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